Apps An Android application that helps you track your medication intake and menstrual cycle An Android application that helps you track your medication intake and menstrual cycle 21 June 2023
Secure A simple Flutter app helps to detect suspicious apps like Magisk manager A simple Flutter app helps to detect suspicious apps like Magisk manager 21 June 2023
State Reactive state management framework for scalable flutter applications Reactive state management framework for scalable flutter applications 21 June 2023
Flip A customizable Flutter widget that implements a flip card animation A customizable Flutter widget that implements a flip card animation 20 June 2023
Print Flutter Plugin that connect to Nyx devices Printer such as NB55 Flutter Plugin that connect to Nyx devices Printer such as NB55 20 June 2023
Booking Slicing UI Train Ticket Booking with Flutter Slicing UI Train Ticket Booking with Flutter 20 June 2023
Picker A minimalist opinionated helper for custom selectors and Calendar A minimalist opinionated helper for custom selectors and Calendar 19 June 2023
Apps An Android App built using Flutter to detect canker disease in citrus and do some other awesome stuff An Android App built using Flutter to detect canker disease in citrus and do some other awesome stuff 19 June 2023
News Unofficial cross-platform Stacker News app written in Flutter Unofficial cross-platform Stacker News app written in Flutter 19 June 2023
Countdown Stopwatch and Countdown App with Flutter Stopwatch and Countdown App with Flutter 19 June 2023
Chat A Flutter package that allows you to integrate Chat View with highly customization options A Flutter package that allows you to integrate Chat View with highly customization options 18 June 2023
Dart A simplified mixin for launching Dart isolates in Flutter A simplified mixin for launching Dart isolates in Flutter 18 June 2023
Webview A simple flutter project to demonstrate webView loading using controller A simple flutter project to demonstrate webView loading using controller 18 June 2023
Tracker A simple Mood Tracker application designed to monitor your daily mood fluctuations A simple Mood Tracker application designed to monitor your daily mood fluctuations 17 June 2023
Draw An app designed to generating images of human face based on hand drawing sketches An app designed to generating images of human face based on hand drawing sketches 17 June 2023
Dart A Dart project to help understand how to implement sorting algorithms A Dart project to help understand how to implement sorting algorithms 17 June 2023
Task A Flutter app that allows users to manage their tasks and projects A Flutter app that allows users to manage their tasks and projects 17 June 2023
Chat A chat page using Firebase DB quiet adaptive with iOS platform A chat page using Firebase DB quiet adaptive with iOS platform 17 June 2023
Apps A cross platform app for waking machines on the network with Wake On Lan A cross platform app for waking machines on the network with Wake On Lan 16 June 2023
Chat A simple flutter chat with Google sign in A simple flutter chat with Google sign in 16 June 2023
Social The Social Media App made with flutter and Dart the Social Media App made with flutter and Dart. 16 June 2023
Music Player Uses live sensor data for playback and volume control Uses live sensor data for playback and volume control 16 June 2023
Text A text widget that focuses on a specific paragraph or phrase A text widget that focuses on a specific paragraph or phrase 16 June 2023
Images A Simple application with image searching functionality A Simple application with image searching functionality 15 June 2023
Finance A flutter application that is used to record daily financial expenses and income A flutter application that is used to record daily financial expenses and income 15 June 2023
Apps An app designed to help freelancers and business owners effectively manage their projects An app designed to help freelancers and business owners effectively manage their projects 15 June 2023
Food A Food Ordering App using SQL Database & Getx A Food Ordering App using SQL Database & Getx 15 June 2023
Quran A software designed to facilitate users in reading, memorizing, and studying the Quran A software designed to facilitate users in reading, memorizing, and studying the Quran 14 June 2023
Input A Flutter package that provides an easy-to-use and customizable Pin code input field A Flutter package that provides an easy-to-use and customizable Pin code input field 14 June 2023
Dart A query builder for Dart that simplifies the process of creating complex SQL queries A query builder for Dart that simplifies the process of creating complex SQL queries 14 June 2023
Glass A simple Flutter app demonstrating an animated glass card A simple Flutter app demonstrating an animated glass card 14 June 2023
ChatGPT An AI pair-programmer for Flutter developers An AI pair-programmer for Flutter developers 14 June 2023
Games Pacman rendition in flutter using the flame engine Pacman rendition in flutter using the flame engine 13 June 2023
Tracker A Flutter application that helps you track your expenses and manage category budgets A Flutter application that helps you track your expenses and manage category budgets 13 June 2023
Chess A Chess Flutter App with all the rules set up A Chess Flutter App with all the rules set up 13 June 2023
Apps A Flutter app that fetches a paginated list of images from a remote repository A Flutter app that fetches a paginated list of images from a remote repository 13 June 2023
Dart A Simple reimplementation of ETC and GC in dart A Simple reimplementation of ETC and GC in dart 13 June 2023
Weather A Flutter Weather App that discover the weather in your city A Flutter Weather App that discover the weather in your city 12 June 2023