Apps A horizontal list widget to use in mainly for web or desktop application A horizontal list widget to use in mainly for web or desktop application 03 February 2022
Movie A Simple flutter movie app with dummy data A Simple flutter movie app with dummy data 03 February 2022
Widgets WidgetTreeDepthCounter - A simple widget to count the amount of nested widget tree WidgetTreeDepthCounter is a simple widget to count the amount of nested widget tree, useful in the dynamic construction of the interface when it is important to know the depth of widget. 02 February 2022
Scroll ScrollShadow - A widget for Flutter that adds shadows to a scrollable child ScrollShadow - A widget for Flutter that adds shadows to a scrollable child 02 February 2022
Table ExpandableTable - A widget for Flutter that create a Table with header and first column fixed ExpandableTable - A widget for Flutter that create a Table with header and first column fixed 02 February 2022
Text A Flutter Widget to draw gradients into text A Flutter Widget to draw gradients into text 02 February 2022
Shimmer A simple & lightweight widget to display an animated shimmer effect A simple & lightweight widget to display an animated shimmer effect 30 January 2022
Dart A collection of extensions for creating widgets following guidelines A collection of extensions for creating widgets following guidelines 29 January 2022
Clock Highly versatile Widget display the smooth and creative loader named as clock loader Highly versatile Widget display the smooth and creative loader named as clock loader 29 January 2022
Widgets A collection of extensions for creating widgets following guidelines A collection of extensions for creating widgets following guidelines 28 January 2022
Select Multi Select Flutter - A package for creating multi-select widgets in a variety of ways Multi Select Flutter - A package for creating multi-select widgets in a variety of ways 26 January 2022
Login Screen A simple flutter project to create a login widget. Fully functional UI A simple flutter project to create a login widget. Fully functional UI 22 January 2022
Widgets Plug and play reader widget allowing to easily integrate an Iridium viewer inside any app Plug and play reader widget allowing to easily integrate an Iridium viewer inside any app 21 January 2022
Widgets A package that gives us a slider controller a custom widget. This widget is used for easy customization for the slider widget A package that gives us a slider controller a custom widget. This widget is used for easy customization for the slider widget 19 January 2022
Widgets Expanded Widget Advanced Design For Flutter Expanded Widget Advanced Design For Flutter 18 January 2022
Cryptocurrency A Flutter package that helps you to integrate Buy me a crypto coffee widget in flutter A Flutter package that helps you to integrate Buy me a crypto coffee widget in flutter 18 January 2022
Widgets Fake Firebase Performance for use during Flutter unit & widget tests Fake Firebase Performance for use during Flutter unit & widget tests 14 January 2022
Location Declaratively switch child widgets based on the current `Router` location Declaratively switch child widgets based on the current `Router` location 12 January 2022
Visualizer Flutter Gauges library includes the data visualization widgets Linear Gauge and Radial Gauge to create modern, interactive, animated gauges. Flutter Gauges library includes the data visualization widgets Linear Gauge and Radial Gauge to create modern, interactive, animated gauges. 08 January 2022
Dev Tools Widgetbook: An Open Source Tool For Showcasing Widgets In Flutter Widgetbook: An Open Source Tool For Showcasing Widgets In Flutter 06 January 2022
Textfield A Flutter package which uses a TextField Widget to search and select a value from a list A Flutter package which uses a TextField Widget to search and select a value from a list 06 January 2022
Widgets A mixture between dependency injection (DI) and state management, built with widgets for widgets A mixture between dependency injection (DI) and state management, built with widgets for widgets 01 January 2022
Widgets Use the Flutter Unique Key To Preserve the state of Stateful Widgets if they moved around in the Widget tree Use the Flutter Unique Key To Preserve the state of Stateful Widgets if they moved around in the Widget tree 31 December 2021
Widgets The Inherited Widget helps you to easily distribute your app state to every widget in your Flutter app The InheritedWidget helps you to easily distribute your app state to every widget in your Flutter app 31 December 2021
Floating Floating Action Button Widget For Flutter Embed the FloatingActionButton in your Flutter BottomNavigationBar and use the FAB Button to promote primary actions in Flutter. 30 December 2021
Button Flutter widget to create a group of buttons fast Flutter widget to create a group of buttons fast 27 December 2021
Widgets Align And Position Widgets For Flutter Align And Position Widgets For Flutter 26 December 2021
Widgets A subset of TestWidgetsFlutterBinding specifically for initializing the ServicesBinding A subset of TestWidgetsFlutterBinding specifically for initializing the ServicesBinding 26 December 2021
Widgets A flutter plugin for improved row and column widgets with added spacing and optional interleaved dividers A flutter plugin for improved row and column widgets with added spacing and optional interleaved dividers 21 December 2021
Dropdown Dropdown List Choices Widget For Flutter Dropdown List Choices Widget For Flutter 20 December 2021
Avatar Flutter wrapper widget for Avataaars API Flutter wrapper widget for Avataaars API 19 December 2021
Widgets A Flutter widget that checks and displays the version status of application and you can easily guide user to update your app A Flutter widget that checks and displays the version status of application and you can easily guide user to update your app 17 December 2021
Widgets A Flutter Widget to count the amount of nested widget tree A Flutter Widget to count the amount of nested widget tree 17 December 2021
Widgets This repo created for dsc galatasaray uni fultter camp This repo created for dsc galatasaray uni fultter camp 17 December 2021
Widgets Flutter control system widgets, like on-off controller Flutter control system widgets, like on-off controller 15 December 2021
Widgets A flutter library provide a simple roulette widget which usually used for lottery A library provide a simple roulette widget which usually used for lottery 14 December 2021
Widgets A Flutter widget for rendering HTML and CSS as Flutter widgets A Flutter widget for rendering HTML and CSS as Flutter widgets 14 December 2021
Scroll Flutter Scrollable Widgets like ListView,GridView or powerful CustomScrollView can't nest inner scrollview Flutter Scrollable Widgets like ListView,GridView or powerful CustomScrollView can't nest inner scrollview 14 December 2021
Widgets Drop shadow effect for any widget in Flutter Drop shadow effect for any widget in Flutter 12 December 2021
Autocomplete A TypeAhead (autocomplete) widget for Flutter, where you can show suggestions to users as they type A TypeAhead (autocomplete) widget for Flutter, where you can show suggestions to users as they type 12 December 2021
Widgets A Flutter package used to update widget tree dynamically A Flutter package used to update widget tree dynamically 11 December 2021
Widgets A Widget-based Game Engine For Flutter A Widget-based Game Engine For Flutter 11 December 2021
Movie A new practical project made with Flutter and some native widgets, movie API, provider state and more A new practical project made with Flutter and some native widgets, movie API, provider state and more 05 December 2021
Name Wraps Flutter shared_preferences plugin, providing a iOS Suite Name support Wraps Flutter shared_preferences plugin, providing a iOS Suite Name support 04 December 2021