Database Nitrite Database - NoSQL embedded document store for Flutter Nitrite Database - NoSQL embedded document store for Flutter 24 January 2024
Sqflite How database migration works with the flutter Sqflite How database migration works with the flutter Sqflite 10 June 2023
Firebase A Flutter application using Firebase Realtime Database A Flutter application using Firebase Realtime Database 03 February 2023
Sqflite Learning sqflite with flutter local database Learning sqflite with flutter local database 05 January 2023
Apps A Demo application for Serverpod server app for accessing database A Demo application for Serverpod server app for accessing database 10 October 2022
Database A minimum Flutter client demo for SurrealDB A minimum Flutter client demo for SurrealDB 03 October 2022
Note A Nice looking colorful notes app using a local database with sqflite A Nice looking colorful notes app using a local database with sqflite 31 August 2022
Todo ToDo App using Flutter implemented with Hive DataBase ToDo App using Flutter implemented with Hive DataBase 14 August 2022
Firebase ESP32+LM35+MAX30102+Firebase-database+Flutter ESP32+LM35+MAX30102+Firebase-database+Flutter 12 August 2022
MongoDB MongoDb Mobile - A free client for mongodb database write in flutter MongoDb Mobile - A free client for mongodb database write in flutter 20 July 2022
Movie A Movies app which retrieves data from TMDB Api(The Movie Database) and show top-rated movies A Movies app which retrieves data from TMDB Api(The Movie Database) and show top-rated movies 28 June 2022
Chat A template for the chat app using firebase real time database A template for the chat app using firebase real time database 25 June 2022
Apps A Complete working Salon App build with Flutter and Mysql database A Complete working Salon App build with Flutter and Mysql database 16 June 2022
Hive Flutter HIVE Database Practice for Beginner Flutter HIVE Database Practice for Beginner 31 May 2022
Money Tracking A simple personal money manager app using flutter with local database A simple personal money manager app using flutter with local database 16 May 2022
Movie A Flutter Movie Database App With Tmdb Api Data A Flutter Movie Database App With Tmdb Api Data 14 May 2022
Database Flutter Local Database Shared Prefs Template Flutter Local Database Shared Prefs Template 12 May 2022
WhatsApp Whatsapp Clone using Amplify DataStore in Flutter Whatsapp Clone using Amplify DataStore in Flutter 25 April 2022
Database Flutter local database based on sharedpreference Flutter local database based on sharedpreference 22 April 2022
Movie A Flutter Movie Database App With Clean Architecture A Flutter Movie Database App With Clean Architecture 14 April 2022
MySQL Persist data with Flutter's Sqflite Database locally on your Android or iOS device by using Raw SQL statements Persist data with Flutter's Sqflite Database locally on your Android or iOS device by using Raw SQL statements 29 March 2022
Notification Stores dbus notifications in SQLite DB and has Rust/Flutter based viewer Stores dbus notifications in SQLite DB and has Rust/Flutter based viewer 06 March 2022
Apps Gceditor: A client/server application for creating a persistent data of an application (config/model) Gceditor: A client/server application for creating a persistent data of an application (config/model) 24 February 2022
Apps A new Flutter app that uses GetX for State Manager and Hive as a local NoSQL Database A new Flutter app that uses GetX for State Manager and Hive as a local NoSQL Database 22 February 2022
Database Data Migrator: A universal translator for data by being portable, diverse, and efficient in migrating and converting data across discrete schemas Data Migrator: A universal translator for data by being portable, diverse, and efficient in migrating and converting data across discrete schemas 18 February 2022
Bank A Banking App that allow transfer money between multiple customers using SQLite database A Banking App that allow transfer money between multiple customers using SQLite database 12 February 2022
Apps RoofTop - A photos and videos application which is able to show curated content from Pexel database on the press of a button RoofTop - A photos and videos application which is able to show curated content from Pexel database on the press of a button 03 February 2022
Converter Convert a CSV into a list in order to populate a firebase database Convert a CSV into a list in order to populate a firebase database 28 January 2022
Generator Generate dart type definitions from PostgreSQL database schema (WIP) Generate dart type definitions from PostgreSQL database schema (WIP) 21 January 2022
Movie Movie Database app - A Flutter app project that allows users to search for a movie or tv series Movie Database app - A Flutter app project that allows users to search for a movie or tv series 18 January 2022
Twitter A working Twitter clone written in Flutter using Firebase auth,realtime,firestore database and storage A working Twitter clone written in Flutter using Firebase auth,realtime,firestore database and storage 13 January 2022
News News App using Flutter and Firebase Auth News App using Flutter and Firebase Auth 06 January 2022
Monitoring Flutter Reservoir Monitoring System With Real-time Database (Firebase) Flutter Reservoir Monitoring System With Real-time Database (Firebase) 04 December 2021
Database A library for connecting to and querying PostgreSQL databases in Dart A library for connecting to and querying PostgreSQL databases in Dart 16 November 2021
Apps Keeper App made in Flutter with Sqlite database Keeper App made in Flutter with Sqlite database 01 November 2021
Firebase Sample that produces the following issue with Firebase Database web in Flutter Sample that produces the following issue with Firebase Database web in Flutter 26 October 2021
Shopping Flutter shopping app with Getx for State management, Dio for APIs and Hive for the local database Flutter shopping app with Getx for State management, Dio for APIs and Hive for the local database 17 October 2021
URL Shortener Simple URL-shorter written in Dart with Notion as a database Simple URL-shorter written in Dart with Notion as a database 11 October 2021
Twitter A Twitter clone written in Flutter using Firebase auth,realtime,firestore database and storage A working Twitter clone written in Flutter using Firebase auth,realtime,firestore database and storage 06 October 2021
Tutorial Persist data with Flutter's Hive NoSQL Database Persist data with Flutter's Hive NoSQL Database locally on Android, iOS & Web. 22 August 2021
Database A Flutter plugin to store data in secure storage A Flutter plugin to store data in secure storage 10 August 2021
Database A simple, powerful GraphQL Client for Flutter and Dart Stream-based strongly typed GraphQL client for Dart 07 August 2021
Database Persist data with Flutter's Sqflite Database locally Persist data with Flutter's Sqflite Database locally on your Android or iOS device by using Raw SQL statements. 01 August 2021
Database An app for accessing data about the FIRST Tech Challenge with flutter An app for accessing data about the FIRST Tech Challenge. 03 December 2020