Dart Control app crashing using Firebase or REST API ( Dart, Kotlin and Swift ) Control app crashing using Firebase or REST API ( Dart, Kotlin and Swift ) 27 May 2022
Maps A Flutter app using Google Maps SDK & Directions API A Flutter app using Google Maps SDK & Directions API 23 May 2022
Proof of concept Simple POC to validate Flutter concepts using Pokedex API Simple POC to validate Flutter concepts using Pokedex API 21 May 2022
API Flutter demo api integration with clean architecture Flutter demo api integration with clean architecture 21 May 2022
API A Rick and Morty Character Wiki, build in Flutter with Api Rest integration A Rick and Morty Character Wiki, build in Flutter with Api Rest integration. 17 May 2022
Youtube Flutter plugin for playing or streaming YouTube videos inline using the official iFrame Player API Flutter plugin for playing or streaming YouTube videos inline using the official iFrame Player API 16 May 2022
API The diozz package helps you to deal with APIs easily and speed up the process of writing code The diozz package helps you to deal with APIs easily and speed up the process of writing code 15 May 2022
Anime Anima, Anime Platform App using GraphQL API Anima is a Flutter Mobile App which shows next gen anime platforms content related to Anime from Anilist. 12 May 2022
Weather Clima: A City Weather Mobile Flutter App Using Rest API Clima: A City Weather Mobile Flutter App Using Rest API 11 May 2022
Parser Parse JSON data to your app using REST API Parse JSON data to your app using REST API 07 May 2022
API Flutter API based cocktail content application Flutter API based cocktail content application 07 May 2022
Apps A Flutter app that lists book titles coming from an API A Flutter app that lists book titles coming from an API. 05 May 2022
Maps A Flutter app using Google Maps SDK & Directions API A Flutter app using Google Maps SDK & Directions API 03 May 2022
News A Flutter News App Which Fetches Top Headings From News API A Flutter News App Which Fetches Top Headings From News API 03 May 2022
Json Flutter project to Integrate API resources from JSON Place Holder API Flutter project to Integrate API resources from JSON Place Holder API 01 May 2022
Music Player A Music App that leverages the iTunes Rest API to get music data and playable music trailers A Music App that leverages the iTunes Rest API to get music data and playable music trailers 30 April 2022
Bloc Using the bloc state handler, in a flutter app consuming a video game api Using the bloc state handler, in a flutter app consuming a video game api 24 April 2022
Apps A Flutter app that demonstrates how to build a simple app using the SpaceX API A Flutter app that demonstrates how to build a simple app using the SpaceX API 17 April 2022
Tracker A fully cross-platform wrap of the Matomo tracking client for Flutter, using the Matomo API A fully cross-platform wrap of the Matomo tracking client for Flutter, using the Matomo API 16 April 2022
Web Binder: A web framework that can be used to create web apps and APIs Binder: A web framework that can be used to create web apps and APIs 03 April 2022
Weather Weather App Using OpenWeatherMap API service Daily Forecast and Historical Weather based on users location Weather App Using OpenWeatherMap API service Daily Forecast and Historical Weather based on users location 02 April 2022
Apps A Completed Functional Flutter App - FindSeat (BLoC + Json API + Unit Test + Firebase Auth) A Completed Functional Flutter App - FindSeat (BLoC + Json API + Unit Test + Firebase Auth) 01 April 2022
QRCode QR code detection application with Flask API and Flutter QR code detection application with Flask API and Flutter 01 April 2022
Food Demo Food Application using Dio and TheMealApi Flutter Demo Food Application using Dio and TheMealApi Flutter 01 April 2022
Fonts Add Fontsource fonts to your flutter app. Direct access to Fontsource API Add Fontsource fonts to your flutter app. Direct access to Fontsource API 29 March 2022
Apps With this app you can see the trending gifs and allows you to search for a specific one, using Giphy API With this app you can see the trending gifs and allows you to search for a specific one, using Giphy API 29 March 2022
Weather Weather App With Flutter - Basic Api Request Weather App With Flutter - Basic Api Request 23 March 2022
Music A music search demo app using iTunes Search API A music search demo app using iTunes Search API 22 March 2022
Fetching Fetch Data From fakestoreapi.com Api Using Dio Fetch Data From fakestoreapi.com Api Using Dio 21 March 2022
Getx API call using Dio package and GetX in Flutter This demo is to get API data using Dio package and I have also used GetX package for state management. 18 March 2022
List Flutter app that displays a list of items from web api Flutter app that displays a list of items from web api 16 March 2022
Cryptocurrency An app that retrieves crypto currency rates from coincap API An app that retrieves crypto currency rates from coincap API 04 March 2022
Weather OpenWeatherMap: Сurrent weather and forecast API Based OpenWeatherMap: Сurrent weather and forecast API Based 03 March 2022
API A composable, light-weight package that can be used as a placeholder whenever you need some fake data A composable, light-weight package that can be used as a placeholder whenever you need some fake data 18 February 2022
Firebase Generated Firebase APIs for Dart. Additionally Includes private and unlisted APIs Generated Firebase APIs for Dart. Additionally Includes private and unlisted APIs 12 February 2022
Weather Nothing special it's just a simple weather app with an precise api Nothing special it's just a simple weather app with an precise api 12 February 2022
Validation A generic validator with business logic separation in mind A generic validator with business logic separation in mind 07 February 2022
Wrapper Wrapper for the newest Twitch API. It returns information about channels, media, search and game Wrapper for the newest Twitch API. It returns information about channels, media, search and game 07 February 2022
Command Line A Dart CLI app to obtain credentials for accessing Google APIs A Dart CLI app to obtain credentials for accessing Google APIs 29 January 2022
Generator This will help to generate the data collection in *.g.dart file from api response This will help to generate the data collection in *.g.dart file from api response 29 January 2022
Dart A Flutter package for both android and iOS which helps developers with Telnyx API services A Flutter package for both android and iOS which helps developers with Telnyx API services 25 January 2022
Apps Flutter application where you can download files from an api and unarchive them and open them and see their contents Flutter application where you can download files from an api and unarchive them and open them and see their contents 22 January 2022
Apps A basic mobile application for Networking in Flutter(API) A basic mobile application for Networking in Flutter(API) 19 January 2022