Apps A Basic Banking Flutter App with the integration of Firebase A Beginner Flutter Project with the integration of Firebase 12 December 2021
Getx Millipede Shoe Store Built With GetX and Firebase Millipede Shoe Store Built With GetX and Firebase 08 December 2021
Function A fully functional social media app built with flutter with multiple features A fully functional social media app built with flutter with multiple features 07 December 2021
Monitoring Flutter Reservoir Monitoring System With Real-time Database (Firebase) Flutter Reservoir Monitoring System With Real-time Database (Firebase) 04 December 2021
Authentication A Simple Authentication Example With Firebase For Flutter A Simple Authentication Example With Firebase For Flutter 03 December 2021
Food A food ordering app built with flutter and firebase A food ordering app built with flutter and firebase 03 December 2021
Stripe A Stripe Platform Example With Flutter, Firebase And StripeConnectAPI A Stripe Platform Example With Flutter, Firebase And StripeConnectAPI 02 December 2021
ECommerce E-Commerce Complate App - Flutter Firebase Using Get-x E-Commerce Complate App - Flutter Firebase Using Get-x 30 November 2021
Starter A simple flutter starter with firebase And getX A simple flutter starter with firebase And getX 26 November 2021
Apps An Uber-like application to order a ride or share one An Uber-like application to order a ride or share one 19 November 2021
Chat A Chat App Made Using Flutter and Firebase A Chat App Made Using Flutter and Firebase 17 November 2021
Tiktok Clone of TikTok with Flutter and Firebase Clone of TikTok with Flutter and Firebase 16 November 2021
Firebase Super easy mood tracking app to demonstrate use of the Firebase Local Emulator Suite Super easy mood tracking app to demonstrate use of the Firebase Local Emulator Suite 15 November 2021
Name Rename Flutter Project Bundle ID Plugin with Firebase Project Support Rename Flutter Project Bundle ID Plugin with Firebase Project Support 14 November 2021
Social A social media app made with Flutter and Firebase A social media app made with Flutter and Firebase 14 November 2021
Shopping Shopping ui and Product Data Read firebase with flutter Shopping ui and Product Data Read firebase with flutter 10 November 2021
ECommerce A complete Flutter E-Commerce Book Store application built using firebase as backend A complete Flutter E-Commerce Book Store application built using firebase as backend 10 November 2021
Templates Flutter-based template for a business assistant application Flutter-based template for a business assistant application 10 November 2021
Firebase A blog app with Flutter Firebase Cloud Firestore A blog app with Flutter Firebase Cloud Firestore 07 November 2021
Login Screen A simple flutter/dart based login-screen that connects with Firebase Auth to enable users to sign-in/up A simple flutter/dart based login-screen that connects with Firebase Auth to enable users to sign-in/up 05 November 2021
Starter A starter helper for flutter developers wanting to use firebase phone authentication in their app A starter helper for flutter developers wanting to use firebase phone authentication in their app. 30 October 2021
Firebase A Flutter plugin to retrieve the Firebase App Instance ID A Flutter plugin to retrieve the Firebase App Instance ID 29 October 2021
Chat Simple chat app using Firebase and Flutter Simple chat app using Firebase and Flutter 28 October 2021
Chat PyChat: Chat Application made in Flutter using Firebase Chat Application made in Flutter using Firebase 27 October 2021
Firebase Sample that produces the following issue with Firebase Database web in Flutter Sample that produces the following issue with Firebase Database web in Flutter 26 October 2021
Games Snake Game using Flutter And Firebase A Snake Game made with Flutter. This game has the classic snake game with backend added using Firebase 26 October 2021
Firebase Flutter Firebase Authentication with GetX Flutter Firebase Authentication with GetX 25 October 2021
Command Line Console application made in Dart and FireBase Console application made in Dart and FireBase 19 October 2021
Video A short video app developed using Flutter and Firebase which allows users to create accounts and login A short video app developed using Flutter and Firebase which allows users to create accounts and login 15 October 2021
Chat Chatify flutter firebase chat application Chatify flutter firebase chat application 13 October 2021
ECommerce A fully-functional ecommerce app made in Flutter using Firebase A fully-functional e commerce app made in Flutter using Firebase 12 October 2021
Authentication Simple Firebase authenticaton practise for flutter Simple Firebase authenticaton practise for flutter 12 October 2021
Tutorial Learn how to incorporate Firebase into our Flutter apps Learn how to incorporate Firebase into our Flutter apps 12 October 2021
Apps Boleto management app made in flutter, the boleto code can be acquired through a firebase barcode reader Boleto management app made in flutter, the boleto code can be acquired through a firebase barcode reader 08 October 2021
COVID-19 A platform to share crowdsourced information of plasma donors, hospital beds and oxygen suppliers to help COVID patients A platform to share crowdsourced information of plasma donors, hospital beds and oxygen suppliers to help COVID patients 07 October 2021
Twitter A Twitter clone written in Flutter using Firebase auth,realtime,firestore database and storage A working Twitter clone written in Flutter using Firebase auth,realtime,firestore database and storage 06 October 2021
Firebase Flutter chat room app made with firebase cloud firestore Flutter chat room app made with firebase cloud firestore 04 October 2021
Authentication A flutter app that uses authentication in firebase A flutter app that uses authentication in firebase 01 October 2021
Authentication An example of Firebase authentication in a flutter An example of Firebase authentication in a flutter 30 September 2021
Logging Log snapshot management solution built with Flutter/Dart using Bloc pattern This is a log snapshot management solution used to save and share log snapshots within the development team. 28 September 2021
Apps Tiktok clone app built using flutter and firebase Short videos platform with Flutter and Firebase. 27 September 2021
ECommerce An Ecommerce application built in Flutter using Firebase An Ecommerce application built in Flutter using Firebase. 26 September 2021
Social A Social media app built with flutter A Social media app built with flutter. 15 September 2021
Games Flutter app using Firebase SDK to save your card games Mobile app where you to register with your own account and save your games of French Belote, Coinche Belote and Tarot ! 11 September 2021
Vote A voting system app made with flutter and firebase A voting system app made with flutter and firebase 10 September 2021
Apps CS:GO Tournament App Build Using Flutter An App where all the details about a tournament can be found. 09 September 2021
Apps A complete grocery store developed with Flutter A complete grocery store developed with Flutter, .Net Core, Firebase, One Signal and SQL Server as backend 27 August 2021
Download Download files from Firebase Storage with Flutter Download files from Firebase Storage with Flutter. List all images, videos, or other files from Firebase and download them. 22 August 2021
Firebase A Flutter plugin to use the Firebase Cloud Messaging API Firebase Messaging Plugin for Flutter 21 August 2021