Flutter starter

GetX simplify & optimise a lot how to use Flutter!

You should read a bit about GetX and Firebase.

Package used

  • Firebase (firebase_core, firebase_auth, cloud_firestore)
  • GetX
  • get_storage
  • crypto
  • http
  • csv (Use to convert csv of google excel translations)

External resources

Commons commands

  • flutter run will run the app on a device. (It will ask which devices if you got few)
  • flutter devices will show you your devices list.
  • flutter run -d {device} will run on the chosen device.
  • flutter build {web | ios | android} will build the app for the chosen platform.
  • flutter run --release will let you test an optimized build (Like the release).


You can run a commandline app to generate the GetX Localization class which pulls from a google sheet

  • Go to /helpers/update_localizations.dart
  • Run with dart update_localizations.dart


It’s currently link to a test one on mine (To make your test rapidly of that Repo #imSoNice) but if make sure you setup firebase with your project to continue your development.

There should be things to replace: (When you will setup your proper firebase)

  • A file for IOS (/ios/Runner/GoogleService-Info.plist)
  • A file for Android (/android/app/google-services.json)
  • Credentials to replace for web. (In /web/index.html)

The rules in Firestore for this project are fairly simple. Here are the rules -created.

  • The first rule matches any user in the admin collection and allows you to read that document only. No one is allowed to write to this collection. I manually add my admin users through the firebase console.

  • The second rule allows the user to read and write only if the user matches the currently logged in user. So a user can only change information about themselves. Here is how my collections are setup in Firestore.


Use as far as you can the themes.

TODO: There is more to add here

Overview of the project

main.dart — contains info for maintaining the state of the app for the theme, language and user. It initializes language and theme settings. Sets up routing.


Tips: Try to use & edit app_themes constants as more as you can.

app_themes.dart — contains info related to our light and dark themes.

globals.dart — contains some global app settings

app_routes.dart — contains the app routes.


Tips: The controllers are contains a lot of logic and think it a way to be reusable!

auth_controller.dart — our user and authentication functions for creating, logging in and out our user and saving our user data.

language_controller.dart — saves and loads our selected language.

theme_controller.dart — saves and loads our selected theme.


Tips: The google excel way is sooo nice. Use that update_localizations script!

validator.dart — contains some validation functions for our form fields.

update_localizations.dart — command line dart app that generates the localization.g.dart file.

localizations.g.dart — this file is generated from our google sheet (do not manually edit this file).


user_model.dart — contains the model for our user saved in Firestore.

menu_option_model.dart — contains our model for our language options and theme options in settings.



  • Screens should use components and add max-width, margin & spacing between them.
  • The screens file name should has similar name if not a exact name as the url & className should be like NameScreen.

home.dart — contains the ui for the home which shows info about the user.

settings.dart — contains the settings screen for setting the theme and language and some user settings.

splash.dart — contains the initial loading screen, currently just a circular progress indicator.


Tips: If there is a lot of screen that share a common purpose, group them in a folder.

reset-password.dart — sends a password reset email to the user.

.dart — allows user to login with email and password.

sign-up.dart — allows user to create a new account.

update-profile.dart — allows user to change his email or name.


Tips: The components should NOT have a max-width, margin/padding most of the time!
I mean except for the components with that purpose like the Section.

section.dart — Add a padding(left/right) and max-width for a section. Imagine (Layout -> Section -> Content/Components)

avatar.dart — displays a user avatar on the home.

dropdown_picker.dart — shows a dropdown list.

dropdown_picker_with_icon.dart — shows a dropdown list with icons.

form_input_field.dart — handles our form field elements.

form_input_field_with_icon.dart — handles our form field elements but has an icon too.

vertical_spacing.dart — just a space in the ui.

label_button.dart — one type of button in ui.

loading.dart — circular loading indicator overlay.

logo_graphic_header.dart — a graphic displayed in our ui.

primary_button.dart — another button in the ui.

segmented_selector.dart — a control used to select the theme.


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