Weather Weather Today: A flutter weather app built with mobX and the MetaWeather API Weather Today: A flutter weather app built with mobX and the MetaWeather API 19 October 2021
API Breaking Bad Api with Cubit/Bloc For Flutter Breaking Bad Api with Cubit/Bloc For Flutter 18 October 2021
Shopping Flutter shopping app with Getx for State management, Dio for APIs and Hive for the local database Flutter shopping app with Getx for State management, Dio for APIs and Hive for the local database 17 October 2021
Cryptocurrency A cryptocurrency coin list built with flutter and CoinGecko API a cryptocurrency coin list, built with flutter and CoinGecko API 17 October 2021
Currency A Flutter project that does real-time currency conversion with Json API A Flutter project that does real-time currency conversion with Json API 01 October 2021
API Doing cool stuff with Git VCS in dart programming language. Assists you to use git and .git in easy and simple way with robust API 01 October 2021
RESTAPI A simple Dart Framework for creating REST API A simple Dart Framework for creating REST API 30 September 2021
Wallpaper A wallpapers apps made with flutter and API WallHalla is a wallpapers apps made with flutter and API 30 September 2021
UI A M.U.D with a back end API built with nestjs and a front end UI built with Flutter A M.U.D (multi user dungeon) with a back end API built with nestjs and a front end UI built with Flutter. 19 September 2021
Reader A very basic manga reader made using flutter and the Mangadex API A very basic manga reader made using flutter and mangadex API. 15 September 2021
Movie MoviesApp based on themoviedb API With Flutter MoviesApp based on themoviedb API 13 September 2021
Firebase A Flutter plugin to use the Firebase Cloud Messaging API Firebase Messaging Plugin for Flutter 21 August 2021
Payment P2P payment solution using Stream's Flutter SDK and Rapyd's Wallet API This project shows how to integrate a peer-to-peer payment solution to your Stream Chat using Rapyd's Wallet API with the help of Flutter. 15 August 2021
API ThingsBoard PE API client library for Dart developers ThingsBoard PE API client library for Dart developers. 13 August 2021
API A Flutter package binds to Cronet's native API to expose them A Flutter package binds to Cronet's native API to expose them 13 August 2021
API A flutter library contains methods that make it easy to consume Mpesa Api This library contains methods that make it easy to consume Mpesa Api. 10 August 2021
API Provides API to generate Dart source code DartWriter provides API to generate Dart source code. 30 July 2021
API Flutter GL can call OpenGL ES API with Dart Flutter GL can call OpenGL ES API with Dart 29 July 2021
API A simple flexible API wrapper for coinbase commerce API A dart library that connects to interact with the Coinbase Commerce API. 29 July 2021
API Android water reminder App made with Flutter using Android APIs Android water reminder App made with Flutter using Android APIs such as DataStore and AlarmManager. 29 July 2021
Forms Easy form building in Flutter with a fluent schema API Easy form building in Flutter with a fluent schema API. 29 July 2021
API Android bindings plugin for Flutter This is a Flutter plugin for using Android's numerous platform-specific APIs in Flutter apps. 21 August 2020
API How to integrate REST API in Flutter In this article we will learn how to integrate REST API in flutter app. As we know that now a days almost all the app uses remote data using APIs. 09 November 2019
Miscellaneous Uses WordPress REST API to provide a way for your application to interact This library uses WordPress REST API V2 to provide a way for your application to interact with your WordPress website. 08 March 2019