Translation A library that automates translation/registration of metadata A library that automates translation/registration of metadata 09 December 2022
Tools Desktop automation tool including window, keyboard, mouse manipulation Desktop automation tool including window, keyboard, mouse manipulation 09 September 2022
Instagram Totally legal Instagram automation, crosses your user follower/following data to find who you follow Totally legal Instagram automation, crosses your user follower/following data to find who you follow 07 August 2022
Automation TheCivDraft - A utility for automating Civilization 6 Drafts TheCivDraft - A utility for automating Civilization 6 Drafts 12 July 2022
Automation Automated grading of homework assignments and tests Automated grading of homework assignments and tests 29 June 2022
Automation Automatically determine Quran word meaning through a mobile phone's camera Automatically determine Quran word meaning through a mobile phone's camera 21 May 2022
Automation Automated blinds system using Raspberry PI and Flutter Automated blinds system using Raspberry PI and Flutter 15 May 2022
Widgets A flutter widget automatically scrolls the custom child widget to an infinite loop A flutter widget automatically scrolls the custom child widget to an infinite loop 06 May 2022
Getx Automatically create a new Flutter project with Getx & Directories Automatically create a new Flutter project with Getx & Directories 29 April 2022
Apps A flutter app within it you can easily draw automates and save it as an image to gallery A flutter app within it you can easily draw automates and save it as an image to gallery 11 April 2022
Generator Automatically generate the dart file for pubspec.yaml Automatically generate the dart file for pubspec.yaml 29 March 2022
Spotify A flutter app that automatically skips the lesser parts of Spotify songs A flutter app that automatically skips the lesser parts of Spotify songs 13 February 2022
Automation A home automation mobile application made using flutter & dart A home automation mobile application made using flutter & dart 12 February 2022
Home Assistant A home automation mobile application made using flutter & dart A home automation mobile application made using flutter & dart 20 January 2022
Files Automatically increment File & Directory name and create Automatically increment File & Directory name and create 13 December 2021
Automation Combine a set of dart files into one This is useful when you want to organize a group of files automatically generated by generator. 04 December 2021
QRCode Scan Qr Code Which Will Automatically Add That User To The Visitor List Scan Qr Code Which Will Automatically Add That User To The Visitor List 27 October 2021
Automation Generate gherkin automated tests Original flutter_gherkin BDD test generator uses integration test bindings only. 11 October 2021
Protocol Automates CP 2077's "Breach Protocol" hacking minigame Automates CP 2077's "Breach Protocol" hacking minigame 08 October 2021