
This repository contains the Liquid Swipe source code. Liquid swipe is the revealing clipper to bring off amazing liquid like swipe to stacked Container and inspired by Cuberto's liquid swipe and IntroViews.



Sample APK

Download sample apk as shown in example from releases.

Get it from Github Releases

Getting Started

  • Add this to your pubspec.yaml

    liquid_swipe: ^1.2.0
  • Get the package from Pub:

    flutter packages get
  • Import it in your file

    import 'package:liquid_swipe/liquid_swipe.dart';


  • Liquid Swipe just requires the list of containers. Just to provide flexibity to the developer to design its own view through it.
final pages = [
  • Now just pass these pages to LiquidSwipe widget.
 Widget build(BuildContext context) {
   return new MaterialApp(
     home: Builder(
         builder: (context) =>
                 pages: pages


Attribute Datatype Description Default Value Comments
pages List<Container> Set the Pages/ views/ Containers Null A Page can contain anything, look for an example
fullTransitionValue double Sets the scroll distance or sensitivity for a complete swipe. 400.0 This transition value can be used to increase or decrease the sensitivity of the swipe. 100.0 would make swipe really fast with even a bit of drag
initialPage int Set the initial Page 0 Should not be >= no.of pages or smaller than 0
enableSlideIcon bool Used to enable Slide icon to the right for where the wave would originate false Gives a ios style arrow to right side of the screen. Might include modification to it soon.
slideIconWidget Widget Create your own icon and add here Icon(Icons.arrow_back_ios) You can use icons from Icons package. Thanks to PR #10
positionSlideIcon double Position your icon in y-axis at right side of the screen 0.54 Range from -1 to 1, -1 represents extreme top and 1 represent extreme bottom. Soon add x-axis position, if required!
enableLoop bool Enable or disable pages recurrence. true If you dont want to make pages to be in the loop, use this attribute.
waveType WaveType Select the type of reveal you want. WaveType.liquidReveal You can use circularReveal, more coming soon. Import Helpers.dart file if Autoimport doesn't work.
