Another breakpoint framework. Aims to simplify as much as possible building adaptive layouts.


  • Really simple implementation
  • Works with and without configuration
  • Customizable
  • Bootstrap breakpoints or Material Design breakpoints ready


Default breakpoints (Bootstrap)

Size Name Minimum Width
X-Small xs/none 0
Small sm ≥576
Medium md ≥768
Large lg ≥992
Extra large xl ≥1200
Extra extra large xxl ≥1400

Material Design breakpoints

Size Name Minimum Width
X-Small xs/none 0
Small sm ≥600
Medium md ≥905
Large lg ≥1240
Extra large xl ≥1440
Extra extra large xxl

Getting started

  • Import the library
import 'package:screen_breakpoints/screen_breakpoints.dart';
  • If you want to personalize all the breakpoints, wrap up any widget above MaterialApp (or any other App that you use). For example:

/* ... */
// This is just like the default configuration
const myBreakpoints = BreakpointConfiguration(
  xs: const Breakpoint(breakpoint: 0, width: double.infinity, margin: null, padding: 16, columns: 4),
  sm: const Breakpoint(breakpoint: 576, width: 540, margin: null, padding: 16, columns: 8),
  md: const Breakpoint(breakpoint: 768, width: 720, margin: null, padding: 16, columns: 12),
  lg: const Breakpoint(breakpoint: 992, width: 960, margin: null, padding: 16, columns: 12),
  xl: const Breakpoint(breakpoint: 1200, width: 1140, margin: null, padding: 24, columns: 12),
  xxl: const Breakpoint(breakpoint: 1400, width: 1320, margin: null, padding: 24, columns: 12),

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return BreakpointConfigurator(
    configuration: myBreakpoints,
    child: MaterialApp(
      /* ... */
/* ... */

Every breakpoint is a Breakpoint type, each one has to be higher, if any set to NULL, they will default to the lower one. The default Breakpoints are based on Bootstrap To use Material change the configuration parameter to kMaterialBreakpoints:

/* ... */
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return BreakpointConfigurator(
    configuration: kMaterialBreakpoints,
    child: MaterialApp(
      /* ... */
/* ... */
  • Otherwise, you can just use it, it will use the default settings.


This package contains 2 basic Widgets that you can use:


Use it if you want to place object inside a container that will be resized based on the breakpoint. Generally good to use inside Scaffold’s body. It can automatically swap children that match the layout for the current breakpoint.

/* ... */

    appBar: AppBar(
        title: const BreakpointContainer(
            fluid: true,
            xlChild: Text('Sample Items - Desktop'),
            mdChild: Text('Sample Items - Tablet'),
            child: Text('Sample Items - Mobile'),
    body: BreakpointContainer(
        decoration: BoxDecoration(color: theme.cardColor),
        xlChild: _DesktopView(),
        mdChild: _TabletView(),
        child: _MobileView(),

/* ... */

Parameters list:

    height: // Height of the container
    decoration: // Decoration of the centered Container
    backgroundDecoration: // Decoration of the Container behind
    foregroundDecoration: // Foreground decoration on top of the centered Container
    alignment: // Alignment of the centered Container
    clipBehavior: // Clipping of the centered Container
    fluid: // Setting fluid to true will ignore breakpoint's width and margin
    xxlChild: // Child to be shown at XXL Breakpoint, if null will use one below
    xlChild: // Child to be shown at XL Breakpoint, if null will use one below
    lgChild: // Child to be shown at LG Breakpoint, if null will use one below
    mdChild: // Child to be shown at MD Breakpoint, if null will use one below
    smChild: // Child to be shown at SM Breakpoint, if null will use one below
    child: // Child to be shown at XS and up Breakpoint, this one is required.


This is the builder based on the BreakpointContainer. If you need to build a complex layout for each breakpoint you can use this one. It uses the BreakpointContainer under the hood but gives back a builder that on each rebuild will provide: BuildContext, Breakpoint you are currently in and BreakpointConfiguration.


/* ... */

    /* ... */
    body: BreakpointBuilder(
        decoration: BoxDecoration(color: theme.cardColor),
        builder: (context, breakpoint, configuration) {
          if(breakpoint >= configuration.xl) return _DesktopView();
          if(breakpoint >= return _TabletView();
          return _MobileView();
    /* ... */

/* ... */

The outcome if the above example will be the exact same as the previous BreakpointContainer, the difference here is that you have a builder with a context in it so you can control more the result.

Parameters list:

    builder: // Builder that will build the widget
    height: // Height of the container
    decoration: // Decoration of the centered Container
    backgroundDecoration: // Decoration of the Container behind
    foregroundDecoration: // Foreground decoration on top of the centered Container
    alignment: // Alignment of the centered Container
    clipBehavior: // Clipping of the centered Container
    fluid: // Setting fluid to true will ignore breakpoint's width and margin


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