
An NBA sporting app built with flutter(Googles UI framework) and the NBA-API.


Note: Its important to get your API Key, the below steps explain how you can acheive this. Always take care to keeping your Api keys a secret.

  • log on to https://rapidapi.com/ and register an account if you don’t have one.
  • After registering your account, go to the Api marketplace and subscribe to the Api-NBA @ https://rapidapi.com/api-sports/api/api-nba
  • Select a free plan which allows you to make a 100 calls per day.
  • Once subscribed to the Api on a free plan, get your API key.
  • Now Navigate to this file path on this project repo i.e lib/services/apikey
  • create a new dart file called “key.dart”
  • paste below code in the dart file:

class NbaApi {
  static final key = "YOUR-API-KEY-GOES-HERE";
  • Save the file, you should now be able to run the app on your device.


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