A fantasy carousel slider widget; only for displaying online and local images.


In the pubspec.yaml of your flutter project, add the following dependency:

  fan_carousel_image_slider: any

Import the fantasy carousel package like this:

  import 'package:fan_carousel_image_slider/fan_carousel_image_slider.dart';


Simply create a FanCarouselImageSlider widget, and pass the required params:

  static const List<String> sampleImages = [

            imagesLink: sampleImages,
            isAssets: false,


Customize the FanCarouselImageSlider widget with these parameters:

  /// List of images to be shown in the slider; Accepts two types of link.
  /// For example: `https://...jpg` for online images and `assets/...` for local images.
  final List<String> imagesLink;

  /// Specifies the type of image addresses in [imagesLink].
  /// Must be `false` if [imagesLink] contains online images.
  /// Must be `true` if [imagesLink] contains local images.
  final bool isAssets;

  /// The initial page to show when first creating the [FanCarouselImageSlider].
  /// Defaults to 1.
  final int initalPageIndex;

  /// Set as the image slider height.
  /// Defaults to 500.
  final double sliderHeight;

  /// Set as the image slider width.
  /// Defaults to double.infinity.
  final double sliderWidth;

  /// The corners of images will round according to this value.
  /// Defaults to 40.
  final double imageRadius;

  /// Determines the relative rotation of the sides images.
  /// Defaults to 250.
  final double turns;

  /// Determines the opacity of the sides images.
  /// Defaults to 0.8.
  final double sidesOpacity;

  /// Determines the value of the [fit] property of the images
  /// Defaults to BoxFit.cover.
  final BoxFit imageFitMode;

  /// The fraction of the viewport that each page should occupy.
  /// Defaults to 0.7.
  final double slideViewportFraction;

  /// This Duration type value, use for all animations in [FanCarouselImageSlider].
  /// Defaults to Duration(milliseconds: 600).
  final Duration sliderDuration;

  /// Determines the visibility of the indicators below slider.
  /// Defaults to true
  final bool showIndicator;

  /// Determines the visibility of the arrows below slider.
  /// Defaults to false.
  final bool showArrowNav;

  /// Determines the color of the active indicator below slider.
  /// Defaults to Colors.pink.
  final Color indicatorActiveColor;

  /// Determines the color of the border of the deactive indicators below slider.
  /// Defaults to Colors.grey.
  final Color indicatorDeactiveColor;

  /// Enables auto play, sliding one page at a time.
  /// Use [autoPlayInterval] to set the timer interval.
  /// Defaults to true
  final bool autoPlay;

  /// Determines the slider autoplay timer interval;
  /// when [autoPlay] is set to true.
  /// Defaults to Duration(milliseconds: 3000).
  final Duration autoPlayInterval;

  /// Determines whether the user can change slides by dragging or not.
  /// Defaults to true.
  final bool userCanDrag;


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