🚀 Oppo ColorOS Launcher 🚀

This repository contains the source code for the Oppo ColorOS Launcher built with Flutter and Dart. The launcher is designed to work with Android devices to provide a smooth and personalized user experience.

📖 How it Works

The ColorOS Launcher is built using Flutter and Dart, and uses the Android framework. It provides a customized user interface with customizable icons, wallpapers, and themes. This launcher is designed to work with any Android device.

💻 System Requirements

The Oppo ColorOS Launcher requires an Android device to function. It is recommended to use the latest version of the Android operating system for the best user experience.

🛠️ How to Contribute

We welcome community contributions. To contribute to this project, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork this repository
  2. Create a branch for your changes
  3. Submit a pull request

📷 Screenshots

Here are some screenshots of the Oppo ColorOS Launcher in action:

1 1 1

📄 License

This project is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License. Please see the LICENSE file for more information.

📧 Contact

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the main author of this project at aboubacarabdouabarchidev@gmail.com , +22786165558.


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