YouTube ~ YouTube Redesign APP UI ?‍♂️

Hi Folks! ?



About ?

Today I want to share with you my Youtube Redesign UI concept?

We’re available for new projects! Drop us a line at [email protected]

Preview ?


Screenshot (102)


Screenshot (104)


Screenshot (103)

Download Apk ?

Download Apk for Android

Challenges and Learnings along the way ?

In the development of these applications, I learned a lot about logic, folder organization, and I had a new idea and learned about
Flutter Widgets.I got along well with the development of this application. Unfortunately there was a silly error that cost me a
certain amount of time, and the only thing I should have done was to give a "Flutter Pub Get" in Terminal, fortunately, I found
this solution,and the application works normally in version 3.0.5 

How to Use ?

- Clone this repository:

- Enter in directory:
$ cd YoutubeRedesign

- For install dependencies:
$ flutter packages get

- Run the app: 
$ flutter run

How to Contribute ?

- Fork the project 

- Create a new branch with your changes:
$ git checkout -b my-feature

- Save your changes and create a commit message telling you what you did:
$ git commit -m "feature: My new feature"

- Submit your changes:
$ git push origin my-feature

License ?

This repository is under MIT license. You can see the LICENSE file for more details. ?

Connect with me:

genxkratos santoshverma kratos genxkratos kratos_desgin genx kratos


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