WYSIWYG editor for Flutter with a rich set of supported formatting options.
Based on, but for Flutter.
✨ Features
- [x] Bold, Italic, Underline, Strike through, Subscript, Superscript
- [x] Heading 1 - 6, Text body, Preformatted, Block quote
- [x] Font (reads all system fonts) (Android only)
- [x] Font Size
- [x] Text Color
- [x] Text Background Color
- [x] Highlight text
- [x] Justify Left, Center, Right, Blockquote
- [x] Indent, Outdent
- [x] Undo, Redo
- [x] Unordered List (Bullets)
- [x] Ordered List (Numbers)
- [x] Insert local or remote Image
- [x] Insert Link
- [x] Insert Checkbox
- [ ] Search
- [ ] Icon indicators
? Screenshots

// Insert widget into tree
key: keyEditor,
value: 'initial html here',
editorOptions: RichEditorOptions(
placeholder: 'Start typing',
// backgroundColor: Colors.blueGrey, // Editor's bg color
// baseTextColor: Colors.white,
// editor padding
padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 5.0),
// font name
baseFontFamily: 'sans-serif',
// Position of the editing bar (BarPosition.TOP or BarPosition.BOTTOM)
barPosition: BarPosition.TOP,
// You can return a Link (maybe you need to upload the image to your
// storage before displaying in the editor or you can also use base64
getImageUrl: (image) {
String link = '';
String base64 = base64Encode(image.readAsBytesSync());
String base64String = 'data:image/png;base64, $base64';
return base64String;
Get current HTML from editor
String? html = await keyEditor.currentState?.getHtml();
Set Focus and Unfocus
await keyEditor.currentState?.focus();
await keyEditor.currentState?.unFocus();
Clear Editor content
await keyEditor.currentState?.clear();
Custom Toolbar
If you're interested in creating your own toolbar check the
custom_toolbar_demo.dart in the example