Wordy Client

This game consists of finding a common name (A2 level) chosen at random each day, all in a minimum of tries! The similarity index tells you if you are on the right track! This repositery contains the client part of Wordy made with the Flutter framework and Dart.


App Screenshot


You can try the complete game by following this link: http://wordy.cf to obtain this result it is necessary to realize your API yourself


Make sure you have the complete Flutter SDK installed

  flutter doctor

  git clone https://github.com/baptistelsp/Wordy.git
  cd Wordy

Add config.dart in /utils subdir

class Config {

  static String API_URL = "http://your_api_url/";
  static String API_SEND_WORD = "send/word/";
  static String API_GET_WORD = "get/word/";



Thanks to Flutter, this project can be executed on a large number of platforms

  flutter run -d chrome
  flutter run -d windows
  flutter run -d macos
  flutter run -d linux



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