Timeline Calendar
How to install :
Add this to your package’s pubspec.yaml file:
flutter_timeline_calendar: ^1.0.1
Then You can install packages from the command line:
$ pub get
$ flutter pub get
Alternatively, your editor might support flutter pub get. Check the docs for your editor to learn more.
Now in your Dart code, you can use:
import 'package:flutter_timeline_calendar/flutter_timeline_calendar.dart';
Basic Usage :
You can load a full calendar .
return TimelineCalendar(
calendarType: CalendarType.GREGORIAN,
calendarLanguage: "en",
calendarOptions: CalendarOptions(
viewType: ViewType.DAILY,
toggleViewType: true,
headerMonthElevation: 10,
headerMonthShadowColor: Colors.black26,
headerMonthBackColor: Colors.transparent,
dayOptions: DayOptions(compactMode: true,weekDaySelectedColor: const Color(0xff3AC3E2)),
headerOptions: HeaderOptions(
weekDayStringType: WeekDayStringTypes.SHORT,
monthStringType: MonthStringTypes.FULL,
backgroundColor: const Color(0xff3AC3E2),
headerTextColor: Colors.black),
onChangeDateTime: (datetime) {
Options :
You have many option for changes in : style , locale and structure.
Option | Type |
calendarType | CalendarType ( JALALI or GREGORIAN ) |
calendarOptions | CalendarOptions |
headerOptions | HeaderOptions |
dayOptions | DayOptions |
calendarLanguage | String(fa,en,pt) |
Name | Description |
onInit | Called when Timeline Calendar object is inserted into the tree. |
onChangeDateTime | Return a string of new date selected like (year-month-day) |
onMonthChanged | When the month changes return a string of CalendarDateTime (year-month-day hour:minute:second) |
onYearChanged | When the year changes return a string of CalendarDateTime (year-month-day hour:minute:second) |
onDateTimeReset | When clicking on the reset button return a string of current CalendarDateTime (year-month-day hour:minute:second) |
onChangeViewType | When clicking on the toggleViewType return ViewType |
CalendarOptions :
Option | Type | Description |
toggleViewType | bool | Whether user can toggle view type between monthly and daily or not |
viewType | ViewType | Default view type of Calendar Daily or Monthly |
font | String | Name of your font |
headerMonthBackColor | Color | The background color of Calendar card |
headerMonthShadowColor | Color | The shadow color of Calendar card |
headerMonthElevation | double | The elevation of shadow color Calendar card |
headerMonthShape | ShapeBorder | The shape of Calendar card like(RoundedRectangleBorder) |
bottomSheetBackColor | Color | The background color of select month and year bottom sheet) |
HeaderOptions :
Option | Type | Description |
weekDayStringType | WeekDayStringTypes | Day names FULL or SHORT |
MonthStringTypes | MonthStringTypes | Month names FULL or SHORT |
headerTextColor | Color | The color of Header Text |
navigationColor | Color | The color of Header navigation icons |
resetDateColor | Color | The color of reset date icon |
backgroundColor | Color | The color of background of header and calendar |
DayOptions :
Option | Type | Description |
weekDaySelectedColor | Color | The color of the Selected weekday |
weekDayUnselectedColor | Color | The color of the UnSelected weekday |
showWeekDay | bool | Whether weekdays show or not |
compactMode | bool | Whether the Calendar card is compact or not |
selectedBackgroundColor | Color | The background color of the selected day |
unselectedBackgroundColor | Color | The background color of the unselected day |
selectedTextColor | Color | The text color of the selected day |
disabledTextColor | Color | The text color of the disabled day |
unselectedTextColor | Color | The text color of the unselected day |
disableFadeEffect | bool | Whether days before now has fade effect or not |
disableDaysBeforeNow | bool | Whether days before now Disabled or not |
Locales :
Timeline Calendar supports two types of calendar now . Gregorian , and Jalali .
Contribute :
You can help us and contribute for :
- New options
- More locales
- Better exceptions