
by Ziaur Reza Joy

Flutter Travel Blog App ?️ ?

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Our goals

The objective of this tutorial is to introduce you to the core programming concepts that will form the foundation of most of the apps you’ll build in the future. This app will teach you how to make apps with functionality using initstate(), setState() inside Stateful Flutter widgets.

what we will learn

How to use Flutter stateless widgets to design the user interface.

How to use Flutter stateful widgets to update the user interface.

How to change the properties of various widgets, like Positioned, Expanded, placeHolder.

How to use onPressed listeners to detect when buttons are pressed.

How to use setState to mark the widget tree as dirty and requiring update on the next render.

How to use initstate(), setstate(), timer in SplashScreen.

Understand flutter architecture

Learn about basic dart programming concepts such as data types functions, and Constructors.

Learn about PageView.Builder, PageView.Seperated.

Learn flutter physics like BouncingScrollPhysics().

Code and use gesture controls.
