Save your time on a little logic converting a currency from integer to string or string to integer.
if you intrested to contribute to our little project that would be amazing!


converting currency format integer to String or string to integer

example :
Convert From 650000 to “Rp. 650,000,00”

currently available currency:

  • Rupiah(Indonesia)
  • Coming Soon *feel free to contribute ?

Getting started

to use this package is very simple just copy paste the github url to pubspec.yaml
example :

    sdk: flutter

      url: ""

  # The following adds the Cupertino Icons font to your application.
  # Use with the CupertinoIcons class for iOS style icons.
  cupertino_icons: ^1.0.2


integer to String

final strintcurrency = StrIntCurrency();
strintcurrency.intToStringID(2000); // it returns "Rp. 2,000,00"

integer to String No Symbol

final strintcurrency = StrIntCurrency();
strintcurrency.intToStringID(2000, symbol:false); // it returns "2,000,00"

String to Integer

final strintcurrency = StrIntCurrency();
strintcurrency.intToStringID("Rp. 2,000,00"); // it returns 2000

Additional information


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