
Extension on String that provides a methods to check, if a string contains any bad-words/url/link/email/phone number/hashtag/mention and more others.


1. Depend on it

Add this to your package’s pubspec.yaml file:

  string_contains: 0.0.2

2. Install it

You can install packages from the command line:

with pub:

$ pub get

with Flutter:

$ flutter pub get

3. Import it

Now in your Flutter code, you can use:

import 'package:string_contains/string_contains.dart';

Getting Started

Import the library.

import 'package:string_contains/string_contains.dart';


import 'package:string_contains/string_contains.dart';

 'I am CEO, Bitch'.containsBadWords(); // returns true

 'I am CEO, Bitch'.cleanBadWords() // returns 'I am CEO, B***t'.

 'I am CEO, Bitch'.cleanBadWords(keepFirstLastLetters: false) // returns 'I am CEO, *****'.

 'I am CEO, Bitch'.cleanBadWords(obscuringCharacter: '@') // returns 'I am CEO, B@@@h'.

 'I am CEO, Bitch'.getBadWords() // returns ['Bitch']

 'Please visit our website :'.containsUrl() // returns true

 'Please visit our website :'.getUrls() // returns ['']

 " : Let's build something Better, User-centered & beautiful together\n for more info contact us at : [email protected]".containsEmail() // returns true

 " : Let's build something Better, User-centered & beautiful together\n for more info contact us at : [email protected]".getEmails() // returns ['']

 " : Let's build something Better, User-centered & beautiful together\n for more info contact us at : [email protected]".hideEmails() // returns " : Let's build something Better, User-centered & beautiful together\n for more info contact us at : in**

"hi there, i love flutter.".containsWords(["hi", "there","flutter" ]) // returns true
"i love Flutter.".containsWords(["hi", "there","flutter"], caseSensitive: true) // returns false

"hi there, i love flutter.".cleanWords(["hi", "there","flutter" ]) // returns "**, t***e, i love F*****r."
"i love Flutter.".cleanWords(["hi", "there","flutter"], caseSensitive: true) // returns "i love Flutter."
"i love Flutter.".cleanWords(["hi", "there","flutter"], obscuringCharacter: '#') // returns "i love F#####r."
"i love Flutter.".cleanWords(["hi", "there","flutter"], keepFirstLastLetters: false) // returns "i love *******."



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