Pull-Down Button

Dart SDK Version Pub Version style: very good analysis License: MIT

pull_down_button is a rework of Flutter’s PopupMenuButton to be styled like Pop-Up & Pull-Down Buttons from iOS 14+ with some additional customisation options.

Flutter availabilty:

Since this package uses new Flutter feature ThemeExtension for theming, minimum supported version is stable 3.0.0 or beta 2.13.0-0.


PullDownButton example

PullDownButton is a widget used to show pull-down menu. Unlike PopupMenuButton, PullDownButton allows better customization of button that will be used to show pull-down menu via buttonBuilder builder function.

While pull-down menu is opened, button from where this menu was called will have lower opacity.

  itemBuilder: (context) => [
      title: 'Menu item',
      onTap: () => action(),
    const PullDownMenuDivider(),
      title: 'Menu item 2',
      onTap: () => action2(),
  position: PullDownMenuPosition.under,
  buttonBuilder: (context, showMenu) => CupertinoButton(
    onPressed: showMenu,
    padding: EdgeInsets.zero,
    child: const Icon(CupertinoIcons.ellipsis_circle),
Parameters Description Value
itemBuilder Called when the button is pressed to create the items to show in the menu. required
buttonBuilder Builder that provides BuildContext as well as showMenu function to pass to any custom button widget. required
onCanceled Called when the user dismisses the pull-down menu. optional
offset The offset is applied relative to the initial position set by the position. Offset.zero
position Whether the popup menu is positioned over or under the popup menu button. PullDownMenuPosition.above
backgroundColor The background color of pull-down menu. optional

backgroundColor usually has opacity in range of 0.7-0.8 so that menu has blur effect.


The way PullDownButton positions its pull-down menu.

Available options:

  • over
  • under
  • above


PullDownMenuItem example

PullDownMenuItem is a widget used to create cupertino style pull-down menu item.

  title: 'Add to favourites',
  onTap: () => action(),
  icon: CupertinoIcons.star,
Parameters Description Value
onTap Called when the menu item is tapped. required
enabled Whether the user is permitted to tap this item. true
title Title of this PullDownMenuItem. required
icon Trailing icon of this PullDownMenuItem. optional
isDestructive Whether this item represents destructive action. false
iconSize Size of trailing icon. optional
textStyle Title text style. optional
destructiveColor Color for destructive action. optional


SelectablePullDownMenuItem example

SelectablePullDownMenuItem is a widget used to create cupertino style pull-down menu item with selection state.

  title: 'Order by size',
  selected: true,
  onTap: () => action(),
  icon: CupertinoIcons.chevron_down,

Based on guidelines, if menu items contains at least one tappable menu item of type SelectablePullDownMenuItem all of PullDownMenuItems should also be of type SelectablePullDownMenuItem (to insert additional padding so all items have same). Although, manual change of all PullDownMenuItems is not needed, it is done automatically.

SelectablePullDownMenuItem conversion example

SelectablePullDownMenuItem uses all of PullDownMenuItem parameters as well as a few SelectablePullDownMenuItem specific:

Parameters Description Value
selected Whether to display a checkmark next to the menu item. false
checkmark Checkmark icon. optional
checkmarkWeight Weight of checkmark icon. optional
checkmarkSize Size of checkmark icon optional


PullDownMenuDivider example

PullDownMenuDivider is a widget used to create cupertino style pull-down menu divider (small or large).

const PullDownMenuDivider(),

or to create large divider:

const PullDownMenuDivider.large(),

There is also convenience method to wrap multiple menu items with small dividers:

    title: 'Menu item',
    onTap: () => action(),
    title: 'Menu item 2',
    onTap: () => action2(),
Parameters Description Value
dividerColor Small divider color. optional
largeDividerColor Large divider color. optional

largeDividerColor is usually lighter than dividerColor.


PullDownMenuTitle example

PullDownMenuTitle is a widget used to create cupertino style pull-down menu title (usually at the top of menu).

const PullDownMenuTitle(title: Text('Pull-down menu')),
Parameters Description Value
title Title widget. required
titleStyle Title widget style. optional


This package also provides additional customisation. By default, iOS15 theme is used, but it is also possible to override defaults with widget parameters (see above) or with PullDownButtonTheme theme extension.

Default theme

Light Theme Dark Theme
light default theme example dark default theme example



To use PullDownButtonTheme define it in your ThemeData as follows, PullDownButton will automatically used if defined:

  extensions: [
      backgroundColor: Colors.grey,
      iconSize: 24,
      dividerColor: Colors.black,
Parameters Description Value
backgroundColor The background color of pull-down menu. optional
dividerColor Small divider color. optional
largeDividerColor Large divider color. optional
destructiveColor Color for destructive action. optional
iconSize Size of trailing icon. optional
checkmark Checkmark icon. optional
checkmarkWeight Weight of checkmark icon. optional
checkmarkSize Size of checkmark icon optional
textStyle Title text style. optional
titleStyle Title widget style. optional

backgroundColor usually has opacity in range of 0.7-0.8 so that menu has blur effect. largeDividerColor is usually lighter than dividerColor.

Here is example of using PullDownButtonTheme with Material 3 color scheme colors & text styles from Material 3 Menu specs.

Custom Material 3 light theme Custom Material 3 dark theme
light theme example dark theme example


Feel free to contribute to this project.

Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.

If you fixed a bug or implemented a feature by yourself, feel free to send a pull request.


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