Clock App
Mobile application to check the time, set alarm, timer and stop watch with backend support
Technology and tools used ?
- Frontend -> Flutter
- Backend -> Firebase
- VS code
- Github
Detail functionality ??
- Once you open the app you’ll be redirected to Homepage
- In home page you’ll be able to set Alarm which will be stored in firebase
- You can navigate to Timer screen to set a timer
- And the last is for stop watch which has the following fucntionality
- Start
- Stop
- Reset
- Continue
- Once you set the alarm at the particular time you get the alarm notification.
- You can also cancel the alarm which you have setted earlier.
Local Installation ?
- Drop a ⭐ on the Github Repository.
- Fork the repository
- Clone the Repo by going to your local Git Client and pushing in the command:
Commands to run ?♀️?♀️
flutter pub get
flutter run