TV Randshow

TV Randshow was created to help choose a random episode from your favorites TV shows. The TV shows database comes from the TMDB and the app saves them in a database on the device. With the list of favorites, you can roll the dice of a TV shows to get a random episode.

This project has been built using the Flutter framework, which allows to build an app for mobile, desktop & web, from a single codebase.


  • Save your favorites TV shows
  • Choose a random episode from a single TV show
  • Coming soon...


  • Scoped model
  • SQFlite
  • Flare animation loading
  • Logger

Download & install

First, clone the repository with the 'clone' command, or just download the zip.

$ git clone [email protected]:deandreamatias/tv-randshow.git

Then, download either Android Studio or Visual Studio Code, with their respective Flutter editor plugins. For more information about Flutter installation procedure, check the official install guide.

Install dependencies from pubspec.yaml by running flutter packages get from the project root (see using packages documentation for details and how to do this in the editor).

Get your API Key from TMDB (see this FAQ for more details).

Run with CLI:
flutter run --flavor dev -t lib/main_dev.dart

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