You can contact me here: [email protected]
Created by Sami-ul
- A tab manager that uses Postgres, NodeJS, Express, and Flutter
- Boxes are draggable
- Instructions to set up Postgres are in
- Web port must be 5000 as per CORS policy defined in index.js
- Make sure you have the following tools installed
- Postgres
- NodeJS
- Flutter
- Updating packages
- To do this navigate to each folder in server
- Enter these commands in terminal
cd tabmanager_backend
npm install
- Now you have updated packages for poetry and npm
- We will now update flutter packages
- Navigate to webapp
- Assuming you are in summarizationapi:
cd tabmanager_frontend
flutter pub get
- Now lets run the app
- Navigate to each folder in server to start the backend
- I have not hosted the api anywhere yet so thats why we need to do this(I am only using this for personal use plus database was designed with only localhost in mind)
cd tabmanager_backend
node .
- Now we can start the frontend
- Use a separate terminal
cd tabmanager_frontend
flutter run -d Chrome --release --web-port=5000
- Now the app will start
- Navigate to each folder in server to start the backend