QwikCountr Demo
A Flutter app that displays stock market data and allows users to track their favorite stocks.
Built by Captured-Heart
You can download the apk directly from my firebase distribution console QwikCountr-Demo
Tasks for the assessment
- ✅ Use the marketstack API, build an app that shows the stock market report of 10 random companies
- ⚠️ Add a date range and auto complete search box (Intentional left it out, until i am sure i am not being fooled)
- ✅ Notify the user if the device is offline
- ✅ Add a production-grade README.md file
- Real-time stock data for major stock exchanges
- Add stocks to a watchlist and track their performance(Gridview and ListView)
- Dark and light themes for a personalized look
- Offline support for viewing stock data when an internet connection is not available
UI Shots
- flex_color_scheme: by my friend SuperMike visit his website: rydMike.com
- flutter_native_splash
- shared_preferences
- internet_connection_checker: This was really helpful in checking for failed internet connection
- flutter_riverpod: A very great tool for managing states acroos any application by Remi Rousselette
For a full description of OSS used, see pubspec.yaml
Stock data provided, and you can also generate your own Api keys on MarketstackAPI