Weather application for current weather, hourly forecast for 48 hours, Daily forecast for 7 days and national weather alerts.
- Architecture pattern
- Bloc
- Cubit
- Repository Provider
- Multi Bloc Provider
- Bloc Provider
- Bloc Builder
- Bloc Consumer
- Bloc Listener
- State Management
- Context Passing
- Bloc/Cubit context passing in navigation
- Theme
- Multi Theme
- Dark
- Light
- Typography
- Storage
- Hydrated Bloc
- Local Storage with state management
- Path Provider
- Netwok
- Interface
- Interface for http methods
- Get
- Put
- Post
- Delete
- Interface implementation for 'Dio' library
- Data Model
- Data Provider
- Respository
- Services/API Call
- Parsing
- Interceptor
- Auth
- Token
- Singleton Instance of netwrok
- Nagivation
- Navigation with onGeneratedRoute
- Navigation router name
- Nagivation service
- Singleton context
- Methods
- Puhs
- Push and replace
- Push and remove until
- Pop
- Pop to rooot
- Reuseable Widget
- Button
- TextFiled
- Search TextFiled
- Listview
- Hourly forcast
- Daily forcast
- Favourite card
- Extra
- Utils
- Enums
- Constants
- Regexp
- Helper
- Common function
- Extension
- Color
- Fonts
- String
Plugin and there version used in this repository.