Sary Warehouse Project

This repository is dedicated to Sary Warehouse assessment project, where the client wants an app that facilitates main inventory system functions.

The app screens structue is the following:


to run the app on your local machine, copy the github repo link and create new project on any IDE using that link as a reference, then install flutter (

in the terminal, locate to the project directory, and then type: flutter run.

the app will now operate smoothley.

App main functionalities:

  • Add/ Delete Items
  • Add/ Delete Transactions
  • Filter (Acs) Transactions by: Date, Quanitty, Inbound/ Outbound
  • Search Items and Transactions by item name

to create a new transaction, tap on (Send) button or (Recieve), select the item, and then specify the quantity and bound date, hit Add Transaction to complete the process. the transaction will now be available on the main screen.

to add an item, tap on the top-right icon on the main screen, then fill out the form, and select a picture from your gallery, then hit add item.

(1) Main Screen

main scren

(2) Select Item Screen

send item

(3) Add Transaction Screen

add txn

(4) Transaction Details Screen

txn - details

(5) Main Screen – 2

Screen Shot 2022-02-07 at 8 17 20 PM

  • Prefer using iOS since it was the device I was testing at.
  • To run unit test, type flutter test test/unit_tests.dart