Error Animated 404 Error Screen made using Flutter Animated 404 Error Screen made using Flutter 06 September 2022
Error Flutter and dart Error handler And api request state handling Flutter and dart Error handler And api request state handling 24 August 2022
Parser Response Parser makes it easier to parse data and error response from server Response Parser makes it easier to parse data and error response from server 21 August 2022
Error A flutter plugin to capture native unhandled exceptions A flutter plugin to capture native unhandled exceptions 07 August 2022
Error Return a result ErrorOr with either a value T or an error Object Return a result ErrorOr with either a value T or an error Object. 05 April 2022
Dart A Dart testing utility for asserting that some code emits a compilation error A Dart testing utility for asserting that some code emits a compilation error 24 December 2021
State 20+ Error State For Android and iOS - Flutter 20+ Error State For Android and iOS - Flutter 08 December 2021
Error Error Boundaries for Flutter Boundary is a new widget for Flutter that takes over FlutterError.onError and ErrorWidget.builder to make them composable and scoped. 18 July 2019