NOTEE Personal Management App
Version – 1.0.0+1 (alpha)
(Android version 5 – 12)
(VPN) should be turned off to login and register an account
Download App Here ?
(This app is one of my showcase projects. More Updates are coming as soon as possible – such as web version, scheduled notifications, online database synchronization and much more…)
I implemented nearly all of the code from scratch only using as few plugins as I can . So, most of the code but not all, are uploaded on Github. Feel Free to download and use the app??
Notee is a personal management app that includes four parts :
Note : Note part is inspired by Mi note app. It includes:
- Creating categories
- Creating notes by categories
- Updating notes
- Deleting notes
- Search Notes
Todo : Todo part is To-Do List app. It includes:
- Creating tasks up to (50 days)
- Repeating tasks according to daily, monthly, weekdays, weekends
- Delete tasks
- Update tasks
- Add subtasks tasks each tasks
- Add notes to each tasks
- Stores Past tasks up to 1 year
Timer : Timer part is simple. It includes three basic functions:
- Start Timer
- Stop Timer
- Reset Timer
Account Control :
- Light <=> Dark Mode
- Note Reports
- Todo Reports
- Login, Register Account
- Change Password
- Change User name and Email
- Delete Account
Used Technologies
- MVC pattern
- GetX state management, route management
- Implicit and Explicit Animations ( I bet you’ll feel smoothest experience?)
- SQFLite local database
- Shared Preferences storage
- Google Cloud Firestore