Learn Dart with this cheat sheet
This project starts from Hello World untill the end of the Dart ?
Simple example
- Hello World in Dart
void main() {
// Just print it!
print("Hello World");
- Variables in Dart
enum Os { BigSur, Mojave, Sierra, Catalina }
void main() {
String name = "Amir";
int age = 18;
double height = 1.6;
bool male = true;
var field = "Programming";
final grade = "Collage";
const home = "NewYork";
dynamic food = "Pasta";
food = "Egg";
You can contribute on this project by adding new stuff, editing and other things.
Anyway, if you have any question, tell me about it.
- Telegram: @BlackIQ
- Telegram: me@blackiq.ir
This project is licensed under GPL license.