How to use
graph loading[LoadingWidget] failure[FailureWidget] child[ChildWidget] bloc[Bloc extends BaseBloc] repository[Repository] interceptor[json decoder interceptor && token interceptor] localDataSource[LocalDataSource] remoteDataSource[RemoteDataSource] bloc --futureWrapper ----> repository bloc --helperBloc.isLoading--> loading bloc --helperBloc.hasFailure--> failure bloc --result of futureWrapper is success --> child repository --> localDataSource localDataSource --> database repository --> remoteDataSource remoteDataSource --> interceptor interceptor --> server
Create LocalDataSource for your app and make it depends on BaseLocalDataSource (it’s recommended to read BaseLocalDataSource section).
Create RemoteDataSource for your app and extends from BaseRemoteDataSource (it’s recommended to read BaseRemoteDataSource section).
Create SharedPrefDataSource for your app and extends from BaseSharedPreferences.
Add TokenInterceptor to take advantage of token management .
Add JsonDecoderInterceptor to take advantage of decoding json inside interceptors.
Create your repository and make it extends from BaseRepositiory, then start using ** requestData** function for your datasource calls (it’s recommended to read BaseRepositiory section).
If you are using Bloc as statemangement then create a sub class for BaseBlocPageState and override required functions.
For every bloc you create extend BaseBloc this will give you helper functions to fast the development process (it’s recommended to read Statemangment section).
Folder Structure
- lib
|---- datasource
| |
| |--- local_data_soruce
| | |
| | |-- i_base_local_data_source.dart
| | |
| | |-- base_local_data_source.dart
| | |
| |--- remote_data_source
| | |
| | |-- i_base_remote_data_source.dart
| | |
| | |-- base_remote_data_source.dart
| | |
| |--- shared_preferences_data_source
| | |
| | |-- i_base_shared_preferences.dart
| | |
| | |-- base_shared_preferences.dart
| |
|---- repository
| |
| |--- base_repository.dart
| |
| |--- common_app_repository.dart
|---- presentation
| |
| |--- mixins
| | |
| | |-- bloc_builder_mixin.dart
| | |
| | |-- bloc_consumer_mixin.dart
| | |
| | |-- bloc_listener_mixin.dart
| | |
| | |-- bloc_provider_mixin.dart
| | |
| | |-- search_mixin.dart
| | |
| | |-- size_mixin.dart
| | |
| | |-- theme_mixin.dart
| |
| |--- widgets
| | |
| | |-- base_bloc_page.dart
| | |
| | |-- base_state_widget.dart
| | |
| | |-- bloc_helper_widget.dart
| | |
| | |-- bloc_state_getit.dart
| | |
| | |-- bloc_state_provider.dart
| |
|---- state_mangement
| |
| |--- bloc_state_mangement
| | |
| | |-- base_bloc.dart
| | |
| | |--- helper_bloc
| | |
| | | |-- helper_bloc.dart
| | | |
| | | |-- helper_state.dart
| | | |
| | | |-- helper_event.dart
| |
|---- utils
| |
| |--- data_model_wrapper.dart
| |
| |--- token_constants.dart
| |
| |--- extensions
| | |
| | |-- double_ext.dart
| | |
| | |-- int_ext.dart
| | |
| | |-- map_ext.dart
| | |
| | |-- string_ext.dart
| |
| |--- failures
| | |
| | |-- base_failure.dart
| | |
| | |-- local_failures.dart
| | |
| | |-- network_failures.dart
| |
| |--- interceptors
| | |
| | |-- json_decoder_interceptor.dart
| | |
| | |-- token_interceptor.dart
| |
|---- constant.dart
|---- type_defs.dart
Base failure class which every failure must implement, has one property to override which is failureMessage
- Datasource
T Function(Object?)
how to parse the json to an object. -
Future<DataModelWrapper> request
This function will make the Http request, parse the response and return DataModelWrapper based on http response.
failureParser(Response response)
Return failure String base on response.
The default message inside failures, if couldn’t failureParser return null.
wrap requsted body with base request.
Future<DataModelWrapper> requestData
This function will wrap calls going to datasource layer, and will manage getting the data either from remote server or local data base, and caching the result in localdatabase.
This bloc will provide three main functionallty: 1- PageLoading. 2- ErrorHandling. 3- Providing BuildContext to your bloc.
void runFunctionWithContext(ContextCallback contextCallback)
This function will provide BuildContext.Future<DataModelWrapper> futureWrapper : this function will wrap your future call and manage the page loading and displaying error message.
Will provide main size property for your state class.
Will provide main theme property for your state class.
Will provide main search functionallty for your state class.
Will inject a BlocProvider above your state class.
Will inject a BlocListener above your state class.
Will inject a BlocConsumer above your state class.
Will inject a BlocBuilder above your state class.
Helper interceptor to inject the authentication token in the request.
Helper interceptor to convert the json from String to Map<String, dyanmic>
- Repository
graph LR A[Repository] --1- localCall --> B[LocalDataSource] A --2- remoteCall --> C[RemoteDataSource] C --3- data--> A A --4- saveRemoteDataFunction--> B
- Interceptors