Bottom Sheet Expandable Bar
This package create a bottom navigation bar with the capability to show a bottom sheet.
Include bottom_sheet_expandable_bar
in your pubspec.yaml
To use this package, just import it into your file and enjoy it.
IMPORTANT: Add this line to your theme to avoid an unexpected behaviour
This widget allow to generate a dynamic icon
Name | Description | Required | Default |
icon | Widget to put as button icon | False | |
color | Color to indicate icon color | False | |
onTap | Function to handle button on tap | True |
This widget allow to generate a bottom bar with the capability to expanto to a bottom sheet
Name | Description | Required | Default |
children | List of BottomSheetBarIcon widget to show icons within the bar | False | |
buttonPosition | ButtonBottomBarPosition to indicate expandable button position (center, end) | False | |
backgroundBarColor | Color to indicate bottom bar background color | False | Colors.white |
backgroundColor | Color to indicate bottom sheet color | False | Colors.white |
showExpandableButton | Boolean value to indicate when to show or hide expandable button | False | False |
innerChild | Widget to show into the bottom sheet | False | |
bottomRadius | Double value to indicate the corners radius for the bottom bar | False | 50.0 |
bottomBarHeight | Double value to indicate the bottom bar height | False | 60.0 |
bottomBarWidth | Double value to indicate the bottom bar height | False | Screen width * 0.9 |
duration | Duration between show or hide the bottom sheet | False | 250 milliseconds |
bottomSheetHeight | Double value to indicate the bottom sheet height | False | Screen height * 0.75 |
iconExpand | Icon to show into the expandable button | False | Icon(Icons.navigation) |
iconColor | Expandable button color | False | |
onClose | Function to call when bottom sheet is closed | False | (){} |
currentIndex | Integer value to indicatet which tab is selected | False | 0 |
curve | Curve to use on enter bottom sheet animation | False | Curves.ease |
Expandable button at center
Expandable button at end
As a simple navigation bar