
A project with many code templates used at

Installing Mason (first time)

? Activate from dart pub global activate mason_cli

Getting Started (using templates)

On this repository terminal: mason get (will list all templates added to this repository)

mason make (will list all templates added to your global list)

(Example: template called ‘hello’) mason make hello

mason make hello -o .\generated\hello

mason make weather -c .\bricks\weather\config.json -o .generated\weather


mason new NAME (create new template)

mason add --global --path ./bricks/FOLDER_NAME NAME (after template is setup, add it to your global templates list) (so you can you this template outside the current folder/repository)

mason add [arguments]
-h, --help       Print this usage information.
-g, --global     Adds the brick globally.
--git-url        Git URL of the brick
--git-ref        Git branch or commit to be used
--git-path       Path of the brick in the git repository
--path           Local path of the brick

Advanced features (install templates)

mason install --source git --path bricks/greeting

mason install --source path .\bricks\weather

For help getting started with Flutter development, view the online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.


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