
A widget provided to the flutter scroll component drop-down refresh and pull up load.

(Suspend maintenance until 12 months after the end of the postgraduate entrance examination.)


  • Android and iOS both spported
  • pull up and pull down
  • It's almost fit for all witgets,like GridView,ListView,Container...
  • High extensibility,High degree of freedom
  • powerful Bouncing




How to use?

1.the first declare following in your pubspec.yml

     pull_to_refresh: ^1.1.6

2.and then,import that line,SmartRefresher is a component that is wrapped outside your content View

   import "package:pull_to_refresh/pull_to_refresh.dart";
   build() =>
    new SmartRefresher(
        enablePullDown: true,
        enablePullUp: true,
        onRefresh: _onRefresh,
        onOffsetChange: _onOffsetCallback,
        child: new ListView.builder(

                           itemExtent: 40.0,
                           itemCount: data.length,
                           itemBuilder: (context,index){
                             return data[index];


3.You should set the indicator according to the different refresh mode.build footer is the same with that.
Of course, I have built an indicator convenient to use, called ClassicIndicator. If I do not meet the requirements, I can choose to define an indicator myself.

  Widget _buildHeader(context,mode){
   return new ClassicIndicator(mode: mode);
  Widget _buildFooter(context,mode){
    // the same with header

  new SmartRefresher(
     footerBuilder: _buildFooter,
     headerBuilder: _buildHeader

Whether at the top or bottom, the onRefresh will be callback when the indicator state is refreshed.
But how can I tell the result to SmartRefresher? It's very simple. It provides a RefreshController inside, you can pass the construction of a controller to SmartRefresher, and then call.SendBack (int status) can change the state of success or failure.

    void _onRefresh(bool up){
		   //headerIndicator callback
		   new Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 2009))
                               .then((val) {
                                 _refreshController.sendBack(true, RefreshStatus.failed);
			//footerIndicator Callback


Props Table


Attribute Name Attribute Explain Parameter Type Default Value requirement
child your content View ? extends ScrollView null necessary
headerBuilder the header indictor (BuildContext,int) => Widget null if enablePullDown is necessary,else option
footerBuilder the footer indictor (BuildContext,int) => Widget null if enablePullUp is necessary,else option
enablePullDown switch of the pull down boolean true optional
enablePullUp switch of the pull up boolean false optional
onRefresh will callback when the one indicator is getting refreshing (bool) => Void null optional
onOffsetChange callback while you dragging and outOfrange (bool,double) => Void null optional
controller controll inner some states RefreshController null optional
headerConfig This setting will affect which type of indicator you use and config contains a lot props,such as triigerDistance,completedurtion... Config RefreshConfig optional
footerConfig This setting will affect which type of indicator you use and config contains a lot props,such as triigerDistance,completedurtion... Config LoadConfig optional
enableOverScroll the switch of Overscroll,When you use RefreshIndicator(Material), you may have to shut down. bool true optional


Attribute Name Attribute Explain Default Value
triggerDistance Drag distance to trigger refresh 100.0
completeDuration Stay in time when you return to success and failure 800
visibleRange The scope of the indicator can be seen(refresh state) 50.0


Attribute Name Attribute Explain Default Value
triggerDistance Drag distance to trigger loading 5.0
autoLoad enable open Auto Load,If false triggerDistance is invalid true
bottomWhenBuild Is it at the bottom of listView when it is loaded(When your header is LoadConfig) true


  • Does it support simple RefreshIndicator (material) + pull up loading and no elastic refresh combination?

Yes, as long as you set the node properties enableOverScroll = false, enablePullDown = false, it's OK to wrap a single RefreshIndicator outside, and
Example4 has given an example in demo.

  • Does it support an indicator that does not follow the list?

This I did not package in the library, because even if I encapsulated,
it would only make the logic complexity of the code increased,
so you need yourself to use the onOffsetChange callback method to implement it.
It is not difficult to use Stack to encapsulate it. It can refer to the idea of
Example3 or my project flutter_gank.

  • Why does child attribute extend from original widget to scrollView?

Because of my negligence, I didn't take into account the problem that child needed to cache the item,
so the 1.1.3 version had corrected the problem of not caching.

  • What impact does this library have on performance?

No, although I did not actually use data to test performance problems,
I did not appear to pull up or pull down the sliding carton situation in
the process of another project development.

  • Is there any way to achieve the maximum distance to limit springback?

The answer is negative. I know that it must be done by modifying the ScrollPhysics,
but I am not quite sure about the Api in it, but I failed.
If you have a way to solve this problem, please come to a PR

