Create a mobile app for a weather forecaster app that would allow users to see the weather forecasts.
The system should consist of 2 pages:
- A weather-list page that shows weather forecasts for the next few days.
- A weather-details page that consists of detailed information about the weather.
Tech Stack
- Dart
- Flutter BLoC
- Retrofit
- Dio
- Json Serializable
- Build runner
- Cached Network Image
Get Started
Run flutter pub get to update the pub packages if there is update in pubspec.yaml
flutter pub get
Run flutter packages pub run build_runner build –delete-conflicting-outputs to generate pre-compile files
flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
Test (APK):
flutter build apk -t lib/main.dart
Test (iOS):
flutter build ios -t lib/main.dart