A sdk tool for developers use functions of aliyun OCR text recognition in the dart language for flutter framework.


This package supports users skip the process of generating the signature to use the aliyun OCR text recognition api with HTTP by uploading the image’s url in web.

aliyun_ocr_homepage aliyun signature page

NOTES: In some reason, I can not upload my image with the HTTP ERROR 503. After consulting the engineers from aliyun,they tell me to debug other framework sdk such as JAVA to find some way and refuse to show me how to put my image binary file into the http body.

Getting started

This package needs user have the aliyun accessKeyId and accessKeySecret. Your should login in the website of the aliyun and follow this approach:

User’s image

AccessKey Management


  var aliYunSdk = aliyunOcrClient();
  aliYunSdk.accessKeyId = "YouraccessKeyId";
  aliYunSdk.accessKeySecret = "YouraccessKeySecret";
  aliYunSdk.imgUrl ="https://img.alicdn.com/tfs/TB1Wo7eXAvoK1RjSZFDXXXY3pXa-2512-3509.jpg";

  aliYunSdk.queries['AccessKeyId'] = aliYunSdk.accessKeyId;
  aliYunSdk.queries['Url'] = aliYunSdk.imgUrl;
  /// Generate Signature and update the queries
    accessKeySecret: aliYunSdk.accessKeySecret,
    queries: aliYunSdk.queries,
    method: "POST",);

Additional information

Some issues can be submitted into My Homepage This package has been published in pub.dev website, here is the link aliyun_ocr_sdk 1.0.0


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