Instagram Clone

This project is a responsive Instagram clone built using Flutter and Firebase. It utilizes various Firebase services such as Firestore for data storage, Firebase Auth for user authentication, and Firebase Storage for storing user posts’ images. The app features a responsive user interface, implemented using Flutter’s layout widgets, and utilizes the Provider package for state management. The main functionalities of the Instagram clone include user login and registration, user profile pages, posting images, liking posts, commenting on posts, and searching for other users..


  • User login: Users can log in to the app using their credentials or via third-party authentication methods.
  • Profile page: Users can view and edit their profile information, including a profile picture and personal details.
  • Sign up: New users can create an account to access the app’s features.
  • Add post: Users can upload and share images with other users by creating posts.
  • Like post: Users can like posts from other users to show their appreciation.
  • Comment on post: Users can leave comments on posts to engage in discussions.
  • Search user: Users can search for other users by their usernames or display names.


Before running the Instagram Clone, make sure you have the following:

  • Flutter SDK (latest version)
  • Dart programming language
  • Firebase account with Firestore, Firebase Auth, and Firebase Storage enabled
  • Flutter packages: firebase_core, cloud_firestore, firebase_auth, firebase_storage, provider



  • This project was inspired by the need to replicate the popular features of the Instagram app using Flutter and Firebase.
  • Thanks to the open-source community for providing libraries and resources that made this project possible.


The Instagram Clone project is licensed under the MIT License.


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