FileHeron CLI

A simple file server


You can download the latest build from Releases

  • Note: Right now, builds are only available for Mac OSX. Windows and Linux versions coming soon.


./fileheron -h localhost -p 8080 -r public -d true -l log.txt -s true -c server_chain.pem -k server_key.pem -u password

./fileheron --host localhost --port 8080 --root public --listDir true --logFile log.txt --ssl true --certificateChain server_chain.pem --serverKey server_key.pem --serverKeyPassword password

If the downloaded file does not show as executable, fix the permission like this:

chmod 755 ./fileheron


You can build the server yourself by using dart2native or dart compile which is part of Dart SDK.

  • Linux / MacOS

// Using dart2native
dart2native ./bin/main.dart -o ./build/fileheron

// Using dart compile
dart compile exe ./bin/main.dart -o ./build/fileheron
  • Windows

// Using dart2native
dart2native bin\main.dart -o build\fileheron.exe

// Using dart compile
dart compile exe bin\main.dart -o build\fileheron.exe


Parameter Description Default Value Possible Values
host (-h) Hostname localhost valid address
port (-p) Port 8080 valid port
root (-r) Static folder public valid folder
listDir (-d) Show each call in console true true, false
logFile (-l) Log file null log file name
ssl (-s) SSL Mode false true, false
certificateChain (-c) Certificate Chain null valid file name
serverKey (-k) Server Key null valid file name
serverKeyPassword (-u) Server Key Password null password


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