- This application helps to keep track of what money is spent in order to help save.
- State management (BLoC).
- Local database (sqflite package).
- Localization & date formatting & Number formatting (intl).
- Store and retrieve persistence data easily (shared preferences).
- Show splash screen (flutter native splash).
- Using Svg assets.
- Using font awesome to show icons e.g. google, linkedin, github icons for the contact purpose.
- Url launch to report bugs to developers, if any (url launcher).
- Singleton design pattern.
- CRUD Operations in the local database (sqlite).
- Possibility to Insert, Retrieve, Update and Delete expense in the local database (sqlite).
- Delete all old expenses to start the new week.
- Possibility to modify the weekly balance plan at any time.
- Reporting any bugs in app to developers.
- Toggle between Arabic and English language.
- Toggle between more than one theme.
- Implementation UI to handle the state of errors, no data, loading data and loaded data.