Crypdo Flutter? Demo App

A demo flutter app for cryptocurrency trading, wallet balance,send cryptro to contacts and …

Screen records ⏺

r1 ,r2

Tools ?

  • Flutter – For asynchronous and more..
  • Dart – Flutter is an open source framework by Google for building beautiful, natively compiled, multi-platform applications from a single codebase.
  • Bloc – A predictable state management library for Dart. normally or with an exception.
  • GetIt – A simple Service Locator for Dart and Flutter projects
  • Dartz – Functional programming library in Dart
  • Dio – A powerful Http client for Dart, which supports Interceptors, Global configuration, FormData, Request Cancellation, File downloading, Timeout etc.
  • Retrofit – A type conversion dio client generator using source generator

Architecture ?

the architecture is featuers modular architecture that every single features is on on package itself with dependencies just to common base classes and utils

Project Structure ?

├── common
|   └── base
│   │    ├── BaseScreen.dart
│   │    ├── BaseBloc.dart
│   │    ├── BaseStatus.dart
│   │    ├── BaseEvent.dart
│   │    └── BaseRepository.dart
|   └── di
|   |     ├── networkServiceLocator.dart
│   |     └── preferenceServiceLocator.dart
│   │
|   └── exceptions
|   |     ├── networkServiceLocator.dart
│   |     └── preferenceServiceLocator.dart
│   │
|   └── exceptions
│   |     └── failure.dart
│   │
|   └── utils
|     ├── authentication.dart
|     └── mockNetwork.dart


  • move feature modules from package to separate module
  • add unit test for bloc layer


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