A curated list of awesome things related to Flutter desktop.
Table of Contents
Name | Repo | Description |
battery_plus | Flutter plugin for accessing information about the battery state(full, charging, discharging). | |
biometric_storage | Secure Storage: Encrypted data store optionally secured by biometric lock with support for iOS, Android, MacOS. Partial support for Linux, Windows and web (localStorage). | |
bitsdojo_window | A package to help with creating custom windows with Flutter desktop (custom border, titlebar and minimize/maximize/close buttons) and common desktop window operations (show/hide/position on screen) for Windows and macOS | |
chicago | The Chicago widget set is an alternate design language for Flutter designed for desktop (keyboard and mouse) form factors. It is based on Apache Pivot. | |
connectivity_plus | Flutter plugin for discovering the state of the network (WiFi & mobile/cellular) connectivity on Android and iOS. | |
dart_vlc | Flutter media playback, broadcast, recording & chromecast library. Based on libVLC & libVLC++. | |
dbus | A native Dart implementation of the D-Bus message bus client. This package allows Dart applications to directly access services on the Linux desktop. | |
desktoasts | A plugin to show native toasts on Windows. | |
desktop_window | Flutter desktop plugin(macOS/Linux/Windows) to get and change window size. | |
device_info_plus | Flutter plugin providing detailed information about the device (make, model, etc.), and Android or iOS version the app is running on. | |
fluent_ui | Implements Windows UI in Flutter. Based on the official documentation | |
flutter95 | Windows95 UI components for Flutter apps. Bring back the nostalgic look and feel of old operating systems with this set of UI components ready to use. | |
flutter_acrylic | Window blur & transparency effects for Flutter on Windows & Linux. | |
flutter_media_metadata | A Flutter plugin to read metadata of media files. | |
global_shortcuts | A macOS plugin which can register a callback for a global keyboard shortcut. | |
gtk | Implements GTK Widgets, themes and titlebar buttons in Flutter. Based on the GNOME HIG | |
hotkey_manager | This plugin allows Flutter desktop apps to defines system/inapp wide hot key. | |
macos_ui | Flutter widgets and themes implementing the current macOS design language. | |
nativeshell | NativeShell Dart API. Used to interact with NativeShell platform code. | |
network_info_plus | Flutter plugin for discovering information (e.g. WiFi details) of the network. | |
package_info_plus | Flutter plugin for querying information about the application package, such as CFBundleVersion on iOS or versionCode on Android. | |
protocol_registry | Register/query/remove URI Schemes without hassle. Available for Windows and Linux. | |
quick_blue | A new flutter plugin project. | |
quick_notify | A new flutter plugin project. | |
quick_scanner | A new flutter plugin project. | |
quick_usb | A cross-platform USB plugin for Flutter | |
screen_retriever | This plugin allows Flutter desktop apps to Retrieve information about screen size, displays, cursor position, etc. | |
share_plus | Flutter plugin for sharing content via the platform share UI, using the ACTION_SEND intent on Android and UIActivityViewController on iOS. | |
system_tray | system_tray that makes it easy to customize tray and work with your Flutter desktop app window on Windows, macOS and Linux. | |
tray_manager | This plugin allows Flutter desktop apps to defines system tray. | |
win32 | A Dart library for accessing common Win32 APIs using FFI. No C required! | |
window_decorations | A package which provides most of the window decorations from linux themes. | |
window_manager | This plugin allows Flutter desktop apps to resizing and repositioning the window. | |
yaru | Ubuntu Yaru Style – Distinct look and feel of the Ubuntu Desktop |
Open Source Apps
Name | Repo | Description |
AppImage Pool | Simple and modern AppImageHub Client for Linux desktop. | |
AuthPass | AuthPass – Password Manager based on Flutter for all platforms. Keepass 2.x (kdbx 3.x) compatible. | |
Biyi (比译) | Biyi (比译) is a convenient translation and dictionary app written in dart / Flutter. | |
Cash Balancer | An asset allocation app for managing cash accross different wallets. | |
Color Studio | An app that helps making coherent and accessible color themes. | |
Flokk | A fresh and modern Google Contacts manager that integrates with GitHub and Twitter. | |
FluTube | Youtube video client + downloader made using flutter for mobile and desktop. | |
Flutter Folio | A platform adaptive Flutter app for desktop, mobile and web. | |
Harmonoid | [WIP] ? A music app with a beautiful UI to play local music & YouTube music. Distributes music into albums & artists. Has playlists & lyrics. |
Invoice Ninja | Invoice Ninja client built with Flutter | |
Sharik | Sharik is an open-source, cross-platform solution for sharing files via Wi-Fi or Mobile Hotspot | |
Ubuntu Desktop Installer | A modern implementation of the Ubuntu Desktop installer, using subiquity as a backend and Flutter for the UI. | |
Yukino | Yukino lets you read manga or stream anime ad-free from multiple sources for free! Available for Windows, Linux, MacOS and Android. | |
flutter_blossom | A low code editor with the full power of flutter. created by @sanihaq for @flutter ? |
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