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Topics ?

About ?

A Contact Book made with Flutter. ? A Contact Application, using sqflite, a packpage from Flutter. Where you can create, consult, edit and delete, also organize them from A-Z, or from Z-A, put photos (from gallery) and email in your contacts. This application is in version 1.2.

Preview ?

  • See all in demo folder. ??

Challenges and Learnings along the way ?

In this application, which is a little more complex, I learned and also reinforced many previous lessons. I used new widgets, resources and this example of CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete), made me learn a lot, it will certainly be a learning experience that I will take with me in all the technologies that I will learn. In this project I also used the SQLite database, with the Flutter plugin, the sqflite, which will help insert, query, update and delete queries.

How to Use ?

- Clone this repository:
$ git clone contacts

- Enter in directory:
$ cd contacts

- For install dependencies:
$ flutter packages get

- Run the app: 
$ flutter run

How to Contribute ?

- Fork the project 

- Create a new branch with your changes:
$ git checkout -b my-feature

- Save your changes and create a commit message telling you what you did:
$ git commit -m "feature: My new feature"

- Submit your changes:
$ git push origin my-feature

License ?

This repository is under MIT license. You can see the LICENSE file for more details. ?

, with the instructor Daniel Ciolfi, in the course “Creating Android and iOS Apps with Flutter – Create 16 Apps” on Udemy. If it helped you, give ⭐, contribute, it will help me too ?


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