Quickblox Flutter samples SDK

Quick Start

This guide demonstrates how to run Quickblox Flutter SDK examples.

Documentation: https://docs.quickblox.com/docs/flutter-quick-start

Create a new app in the Admin Panel

Quickblox application includes everything that brings messaging right into your application – chat, video calling, users, push notifications, etc. To create a QuickBlox application, follow the steps below:

  1. Register a new account. Type in your email and password to sign in. You can also sign in with your Google or Github accounts.
  2. Create the app clicking New app button.
  3. Configure the app. Type in the information about your organization into corresponding fields and click Add button.
  4. Go to the screen with credentials. Locate Credentials groupbox and copy your Application ID, Authorization Key, and Authorization Secret. These data are needed to run your application on QuickBlox server.

Run the samples

  1. Change the dir to lib
  2. Open and modify the credentials.dart file with your account data

const String APP_ID = ""; // application id from your account
const String AUTH_KEY = ""; // authentication key from your account
const String AUTH_SECRET = ""; // authentication secret key from your account
const String ACCOUNT_KEY = ""; // account key from your account
const String API_ENDPOINT = ""; // optional
const String CHAT_ENDPOINT = ""; // optional

const String USER_LOGIN = ""; // user login
const String USER_PASSWORD = ""; // user password
const int LOGGED_USER_ID = 000000000; // user id
const int OPPONENT_ID = 000000000; // uer id of opponent user

const List<int> OPPONENTS_IDS = [OPPONENT_ID];
const String DIALOG_ID = "";  // dialog id
const String CUSTOM_OBJECT_ClASS_NAME = ""; // name of custom object class
  1. Run flutter run in lib directory
  2. You can see the simple UI with button where you can test base functional of Quickblox SDK.

Start the video call

  1. Check permissions application

    • open the application settings
    • swipe the all permissions to enabled Camera, Microphone, Storage
  2. Init SDK and start the call

    • open the sample application
    • Press Settings button
    • Press init credentials button and wait when will show The credentials were set message
    • Return to the main screen
    • Press Auth button
    • Press Login button and waiting when will show Login success message
    • Return to the main screen
    • Press Chat button
    • Press Connect button and wait when will show The chat was connected message
    • Return to the main screen
    • Press WebRTC button
    • Press init button and wait when will show The WebRTC was initiated message
    • Press subscribe RTC events
    • Press subscribe RTC events and wait when messages about subscribing will stop show
    • Press call Video button
    • The opponent (user with opponent id from credentials file) will show incoming call dialog
    • Press accept button in opponent application and you can see the video call between two users
  3. Finish the video call

    • Press hangUp button
    • Press release Video Views button
    • Press release button
    • Return to the main screen


For license information, please visit: https://quickblox.com/terms-of-use/


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