Performance Testing For : Riverpod-Sign-Default state changes
For run integration test:
dart run runner.dart [args]
“runner.dart” runs the “flutter driver” command for the certain files and adds the “results” to the result folder.
There is config
variable in test/congig.dart
if Config.device
is :
“android” : The test runs if there is a device connected. The --no-dds
argument is added automatically. The -d
argument is not added, because flutter driver
run automatically connected emulator or device.
In other cases, if Config.device
is not empty, -d <device>
arguments added.
If Config.device
is empty, -d
argument not added.
I test only android and windows. If you want to test iOS or other devices, maybe you need make some configuration.
If you make configuration for iOS or other devices, please make pull request.
can be “flutter driver” commands args.
determines how many times the test will be repeated.
determines how many times the state is refreshed in each test.