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Statically typed JSON tree.

The tree can contain JSON-compatible atomic types and nothing else. That is, only String, int, double, bool or null — combined by nested Map or List objects.

This allows you to prevent data errors at a very early stage. You will see warnings from IDE and the program will not compile.


Create a tree in declarative style:

import 'package:jsontree/jsontree.dart';

void main() {
  final tree = {
    "planet": "Mars".jsonNode,
    "diameter": 6779.jsonNode,
    "satellites": ["Phobos".jsonNode, "Deimos".jsonNode].jsonNode

  // {"planet":"Mars","diameter":6779,"satellites":["Phobos","Deimos"]}

Or create the tree in an imperative style:

import 'package:jsontree/jsontree.dart';

void main() {
  final satellites = MutableJsonList.empty();"Phobos".jsonNode);"Deimos".jsonNode);

  final tree = MutableJsonMap.empty();["planet"] = "Mars".jsonNode;["diameter"] = 6779.jsonNode;["satellites"] = satellites;

  // {"planet":"Mars","diameter":6779,"satellites":["Phobos","Deimos"]}


Imagine that we need to create some JSON request, that will be later converted to JSON and sent to server.

BAD: dynamic typing

import 'dart:convert';

main() {
  final request = <String, dynamic>{};  // to be converted to JSON

  // DateTime is not convertible, but we don't know that yet
  request["time"] =;  // oops  
  request["message"] = "Hi!";

  // runtime exception: DateTime cannot be converted

GOOD: static typing

import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:jsontree/jsontree.dart';

respond() {
  final request = MutableJsonMap();  // no dynamic types

  // to place an object inside MutableJsonMap we are forced to convert each 
  // parameter to a JsonNode. But there's no way to convert DateTime to it,
  // so we have to do it right
  request["time"] =;  
  request["message"] = "Hi!".jsonNode;

  // no errors, as it should be

JsonNode tree creation

x.jsonNode creates an object that wraps the x value. The type of the object depends on the type of x.

For example, 5.jsonNode creates JsonInt(5). And 5.23.jsonNode creates JsonDouble(5.23).

This works for collections as well.

final sheldon = {
    'name': 'Sheldon'.jsonNode,
    'surname': 'Cooper'.jsonNode,
    'iq': 187.jsonNode,
    'girlfriends': 1.jsonNode

// you can't add .jsonNode to the map if you miss at least 
// one .jsonNode added to elements

final leonard = {
    'name': 'Leonard'.jsonNode,
    'surname': 'Hofstadter'.jsonNode,
    'iq': 173.jsonNode,
    'girlfriends': 4.jsonNode

// connect these nodes into an even larger structure

final tree = {
    'science': 'physics'.jsonNode,
    'neighbours': [leonard, sheldon].jsonNode

Regardless of the type, all the wrapper objects will be inherited from the base JsonNode. If you have created a JsonNode, you can be sure that there is JSON-compatible data inside.

JsonNode tree to JSON string

For any JsonNode object, you can call the .toJsonCode() method to convert it to JSON string.

import 'package:jsontree/jsontree.dart';

final tree = [1.jsonNode, 2.jsonNode].jsonNode;

You can also pass the tree directly to json.convert:

import 'package:jsontree/jsontree.dart';
import 'dart:convert';

final tree = [1.jsonNode, 2.jsonNode].jsonNode;

JSON string to JsonNode tree

Parsing JSON with this library only makes sense if you want to use the parsed values to create another tree.

final a = JsonNode.fromJsonCode(src1);
final b = JsonNode.fromJsonCode(src2);

print([a, b, "something else".jsonNode].jsonNode.toJsonCode())

JsonNode tree to original objects

You can also call JsonNode.unwrap() to get rid of all the wrappers and get the original set of Dart objects. Because these objects were validated when the tree was created, the result is guaranteed to be able to be converted to JSON.

import 'package:jsontree/jsontree.dart';
import 'dart:convert'

JsonList tree = [1.jsonNode, 2.jsonNode].jsonNode;
List<int> list = tree.unwrap();  // [1, 2]

// of course, the list convertible to JSON 

Objects to JsonNode tree

Such conversion is contrary to the purpose of the library. It requires dynamic type checking and can lead to runtime errors.

But if you already have data structures ready, this might be a reasonable compromise.

final leonard = {
    'name': 'Leonard',
    'surname': 'Hofstadter',
    'iq': 173,

JsonNode tree = JsonNode.wrap(leonard);

JsonNodes immutability

By default, all objects are immutable.

JsonMap m = {"a": 1.jsonNode, "b": 2.jsonNode}.jsonNode;
// you can read m or, but cannot change 

There are also mutable versions for lists and maps.

var m = MutableJsonMap({"a": 1.jsonNode, "b": 2.jsonNode});
// you can read/write m and 

Mutability and immutability are achievable after the creation of objects.

JsonMap readOnly = {"a": 1.jsonNode, "b": 2.jsonNode}.jsonNode;

MutableJsonMap readWrite = readOnly.toMutable();  // creates a copy
readWrite["c"] = 3.jsonNode;

JsonMap readOnlyAgain = readWrite.asImmutable();  // wraps the data as immutable

toMutable will create a copy of the data, respecting the immutability of the original objects.

asImmutable will just wrap the data into an object, that does not allow modification.


^^ JsonValue
   ^^ JsonInt
      ^^ JsonInt53   (JavaScript range)
      ^^ JsonInt64   (full int64 range) 
   ^^ JsonDouble
   ^^ JsonString
^^ JsonList
   ^^ MutableJsonList
^^ JsonMap
   ^^ MutableJsonMap
^^ JsonNull

By default, all the objects are immutable except MutableJsonMap and MutableJsonList.

Integer ranges

By default, int.jsonNode creates a JsonInt53 object. It only allows you to set integer values that will not lose precision in JavaScript.

final a = 5.jsonNode;  // no problem
final b = 9999999999999999.jsonNode;  // throws ArgumentError

This restriction is relevant because JSON is literally JavaScript Object Notation.

But most languages are able to read larger numbers from JSON. To store the full range number, use int.jsonNode64.

final c = 9999999999999999.jsonNode64;  // no problem


Copyright © 2022 Artёm IG. Released under the MIT License.


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