Quickly Admin

Admin Application for the Full Stack Online Marketplace Project Quickly. This App has been built using Flutter and uses Node.js's Express framework based REST-API for backend server, which in turn uses MongoDB as Database.

Download .apk for this app : Quickly admin

This frontend App is built using Flutt er following the Bloc pattern and Bloc state management keeping in mind clean architecture.

Also see :
User App : Quickly

Rest-Api : Quickly Api

Core feautures of Admin App :

  • Create Account & recieve Welcome email
  • Log-in to account & Reset password using OTP through email
  • Display list of admin products
  • Create, View, Update & Delete product
  • Metrics consisting of bar graph and pie chart representing category-wise:
    • Inventory Cost Distribution
    • Revenue & sales along with Seller's milestone
    • Views by unique users to know attention a product & category is getting
  • Sign out

App screens:

The App starts with a splash screen, followed by a Start page, that specifies outlook of the app & link for authentication :


The Authentication Pages :

SignUp & LogIn:
On Sign-up, an account is created for user & user recieves a Welcome email from Quickly, user can log-in with the credentials.

Sign up log-in

Reset Password :
User has to enter email and OTP to change password would be sent to their email address.

reset reset-email reset-otp

Home-Page :

App bar with Inventory Cost Metrics and general details of admin trade. The body consists of list of products. Other pages : sales, views and profile.

Quickly-admin-homepage sales views profile

Product :

View Produc , Add a Prodcut, update product, delete product.

Quickly-admin-crud product add-product update-product delete-product

Folder Structre:

This Project follows Clean Architecture using BLoC Pattern, where code is seperated into :

|- Data Layer
|- Domain Layer
|- Presentation Layer

The complete Folder Structe is as follows :

The lib folder consists :

|- data
|- domain
|- presentation
|- config
|- main.dart

The data sub-folder handles all calls for data, local or remote

  |- local
     |- local_data.dart
  |- remote
     |- remote_data.dart

The domain sub-folder has models and repositories :

  |- models
    |- product.dart
    |- user.dart
  |- repositories
    |- auth_repository.dart
    |- metric_repository.dart
    |- product_repository.dart

The presentation sub-folder consists all UI part and bloc; widgets contain refactored and re-usable widgets.

UI part:

   |- pages
     |- authentication
        |- start.dart
        |- sign_up.dart
        |- sign_in.dart
        |- reset_password.dart
     |- metrics
         |- sales.dart
         |- views.dart
     |- product
         |- add_product.dart
         |- products.dart
         |- product.dart
     |- profile
         |- prodile.dart
     |- home_page.dart
   |- widgets
      |- metrics
         |- metrics_helper.dart
      |- order_steps
         |- address_step.dart
         |- order_placed.dart
         |- review_details.dart
      |- products
         |- product_helper.dart
         |- products_helper.dart
      |- input_field.dart

BLoc :

 |- Bloc
   |- bloc
     |- auth_bloc.dart
     |- metric_bloc.dart
     |- product_bloc.dart
   |- events
     |- auth_events.dart
     |- metric_events.dart
     |- product_events.dart

