
  1. Merge a layer of tiled map into component to render as single image. It allows to improve performance on large maps
  2. Map each tile to dart class or process function using “Type” parameter as key
  3. Extract animation from tiles, allows to render maps with animated tiles.
  4. Merge animated tiles of same type into one big SpriteAnimation component. It allows to improve performance for large animated fields.


Merging statical layers

Instead of rendering tiled map as usual:

final mapComponent = await TiledComponent.load('map.tmx', Vector2.all(16));

convert it into special component:

final mapComponent = await TiledComponent.load('map.tmx', Vector2.all(16));
final imageCompiler = ImageBatchCompiler();
final ground = await imageCompiler.compileMapLayer(tileMap: mapComponent.tileMap, layerNames: ['ground']);
ground.priority = RenderPriority.ground.priority;

The layerNames variable allows you to specify layers to convert. It is useful when different map layers should have different priorities.

Map tiles to components

If you need to process each tile individually – use TileProcessor:

final mapComponent = await TiledComponent.load('map.tmx', Vector2.all(16));
  tileMap: mapComponent.tileMap,
  processorByType: <String, TileProcessorFunc>{
    'water': ((tile, position, size) {
      /// Create here a new object, save tile data or process it
      /// a way your game logics need
  layersToLoad: [

The first parameter of TileProcessorFunc is instance of TileProcessor class.

Extracting tile data

Use instance of TileProcessor inside of TileProcessorFunc to access all necessary data:

  • tile.getSprite() to get Sprite object of the tile
  • tile.getSpriteAnimation() to get SpriteAnimation object of the tile. It brings tiled support of animated map – missing but strongly required feature
  • tile.getCollisionRect() allows to load RectangleHitbox, if collision rect was specified in Tiled editor. The library only supports rectangular shapes.

Rendering large fields of animated tiles

It is cheaper to merge multiple small animated tiles into big one, then render each tile with same animation. This could be achieved by combining TileProcessor.processTileType and AnimationBatchCompiler:

final mapComponent = await TiledComponent.load('map.tmx', Vector2.all(16));
final animationCompiler = AnimationBatchCompiler();
        tileMap: tiledComponent.tileMap,
        processorByType: <String, TileProcessorFunc>{
          'water': ((tile, position, size) {
            animationCompiler.addTile(position, tile);
        layersToLoad: [
final animatedWater = await animationCompiler.compile();
animatedWater.priority = RenderPriority.water.priority;


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