Widget, that can make any static located widget hidable (scroll to hide)


See the official installing guidline from hidable/install

Usage & Overview

To start using Hidable widget, we have to create a ScrollController. inctance before.

final ScrollController scrollController = ScrollController();

As case of usage, we should have one scrollable widget (SingleChildScrollView, ListView etc)
and one static located widget (AppBar, BottomNavBar etc) which’d be wrapped with Hidable widget.

So, scrollController which we created before must be given to each one (scrollable widget and static located hidable widget).

Scrollable widget

  // General scroll controller which makes bridge between
  // This ListView and Hidable widget.
  controller: scrollController,
  itemCount: colors.length,
  itemBuilder: (_, i) => Container(
     height: 50,
     color: colors[i].withOpacity(.6),
  separatorBuilder: (_, __) => const SizedBox(height: 10),

Static located hidable widget

  controller: scrollController,
  wOpacity: true, // As default it's true.
  size: 56, // As default it's 56.
  child: BottomNavigationBar(...),

That is the common usage of hidable, and also you can find full code implmenetation of hidable at official example page.


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