Utility classes/functions to help with UI development using the Flutter


Utility classes/functions to help with UI development using the Flutter framework.

It is recommended to use the as keyword with the import statement when importing the package to prevent name conflicts, for example...

import 'package:aqua/aqua.dart' as aqua

To log output to file

await aqua.log('data to log', logFile: 'path/to/file', clear: true, time: true);

To save data to device

Future<void> save() async {
	var id = 'id';
	var _value = 1920;
	await aqua.Pref.set(id, value);
	var value = await aqua.Pref.get(id);

To put a block of code in a try catch

// the argument for tryCatch could either be a callback to a function or a future

// as a function
Widget  _buildWidget(){
	// may fail to build for some reason
var child = await aqua.tryCatch(_buildWidget());

// as a future
Future<Widget> _buildWidget() async {
	// may fail to build for some reason

var future = _buildWidget();
var child = await aqua.tryCatch(future);

if(child != null){
	// proceed

When fetching data from server in json, or posting a query to server in json

// posting to an endpoint
var fromServer = await aqua.Client(
	'', //ip
	8080, // port
	'/test', // endpoint
	query: {
		'id': 1,
	}, // post parameters
	// verbose: true

// a real end point would look like this
// the end point is free to use
// you can find the rest of the endpoints here: https://www.coingecko.com/en/api
var fromServer = await aqua.Client(
	isSecured: true,
	query: {
		'vs_currency': 'usd',
		'order': 'market_cap_desc',
		'per_page': '20',
		'page': '1',
		'sparkline': 'true'
).getResponse(method: 'GET');

DESKTOP ONLY To allow for mouse pointers to change to click icons on hovering on a clickable widget

Widget build(BuildContext context){
	// some code
	// then
	return aqua.MouseInteractivity(
		child: child

To get a random index between a range of indexes

var index = aqua.getRandomNumber(min: 10, max: 10000);

To output info on screen with different colors

aqua.pretifyOutput('to print on screen'); // will print in green
aqua.pretifyOutput('to print on screen', color: 'red');

To add a shadowy effect on an image

Widget build(BuildContext context){
	return Stack(
		children: [
				width: width,
				height: height,

A quick drop down widget

Widget build(BuildContext context){
	return aqua.DropDown(
		initValue: 'one',
		items: ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six']

A quick TabBar. Tabs without scaffold...

Widget build(BuildContext context){
	return Material(
		child: DefaultTabController(
			length: 3,
			child: Column(
				children: [
						tabListing: ['car', 'transit', 'bike'],

						child: TabBarView(
							children: [

To get screen dimensions in scale

Widget build(BuildContext context){


	return Container(
		width: aqua.Dimensions.width, // full width of screen
		height: aqua.Dimensions.height, // full height of screen
		color: Colors.red

To captilaize a word

var capitalized = aqua.capitalize('alphabet');
print('capitalized: $capitalized);

To create a file quickly (will also create the recursive directories on the path)

await aqua.createFile('/path/to/file');

// to clear a file/truncate a file
await aqua.createFile('/path/to/file', clear: true);

To generate a random ID

var id = aqua.generateUUID(length: 30);

To navigate

// some code
// then

Widget viewOne = Container(
	width: aqua.Dimensions.width,
	height: aqua.Dimensions.height
	color: Colors.blue
Widget viewTwo = Container(
	width: aqua.Dimensions.width,
	height: aqua.Dimensions.height
	color: Colors.red

// to navigate to the next view without erasing the previous view from state
	context: context,
	buildScreen: () = > viewOne

// to navigate to the next view and erase the previous view from state
	context: context,
	replaceSingle: true,
	buildScreen: () = > viewOne

// to navigate to the next view and erase ALL the previous views from state
	context: context,
	replaceAll: true,
	buildScreen: () = > viewOne

// to navigate to the next view using a named route
	context: context,
	namedRoute: '/home',
	buildScreen: () = > viewOne

To display loading icon

// render this widget as you see fit
Widget loadingIcon = aqua.LoadingIcon();

// to specify a loading type: check the different loading icons at this location
// https://github.com/jogboms/flutter_spinkit

import 'package:flutter_spinkit/flutter_spinkit.dart' as spinkitt;

Widget loadingIcon = aqua.LoadingIcon(
	spinkitWidget: spinkitt.SpinKitWave(
		color: Colors.blue,
		size: 40.0,

To request focus from another widget

Widget build(BuildContext context){
	// some code
	// then
	Widget withFocus = aqua.requestFocus(child, context: context);

	// make sure to return a widget

To add commas to numbers

String number = aqua.pretifyNumber('1000000');
print('number: $number');

To clip images into a circular widget

Widget build(BuildContext context){
	// some code
	// then
	Widget clippedImage = aqua.ClippedCircle(
		child: child // some widget, could be an image, wrapped in a container,
		color: Colors.blue // border of the circle

	// make sure to return a widget

Custom Text Form Widget

class Play extends StatefulWidget {

	PlayState createState() => PlayState();


class PlayState extends State<Play>{

	FocusNode focusNode;
	TextEditingController textEditingController;

	void initState(){

		focusNode = FocusNode();
		textEditingController = TextEditingController();

	void dispose(){


	Widget build(BuildContext context){

		// more on this later ... 
		// check source code :)

		return SizedBox(
			width: aqua.Dimensions.width,
			height: 100.0,
			child: aqua.TextFormFieldCustom(
				isOutlineBorder: true, // or false
				focusNode: focusNode
				controller: textEditingController,


FLUTTER DEVICES Window Navigator, a bit of boilerplate code is needed for this to work ...

To setup your environment for mobile, click here
To setup your environment for desktop, click here

Copy paste the code below to render a screen like this:

import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:aqua/aqua.dart' as aqua;

class Shell extends StatefulWidget {

	ShellState createState() => ShellState();

class ShellState extends State<Shell>{

	Widget selectedWidget;
	aqua.NavigationStreamer mainNavStreamer;
	StreamSubscription mainNavStreamSubscription;

	void initState(){
		mainNavStreamer = aqua.NavigationStreamer();

		mainNavStreamSubscription = mainNavStreamer.listen((data){
			aqua.pretifyOutput('[SHELL] data from nav stream: $data');

			selectedWidget = data['window'];

	void dispose(){

	Widget _buildShell(BuildContext context){
		double navWidth = aqua.Dimensions.width * 0.15;
		double contentWindowWidth = aqua.Dimensions.width - navWidth;

		Map<String, Map<String, dynamic>> generatedRoutes = _buildGeneratedRoutes(

		var textStyle = TextStyle(
			fontSize: 30.0,
			color: Colors.white,
			fontWeight: FontWeight.bold

		Widget firstWidget = Container(
			width: contentWindowWidth,
			height: aqua.Dimensions.height,
			color: Colors.purple,
			child: Center(
				child: Text(
					style: textStyle

		return Scaffold(
			appBar: null,
			body: SingleChildScrollView(
				child: Container(
					child: Row(

						children: [

								width: navWidth,
								height: aqua.Dimensions.height,
								header: Container(
									width: navWidth,
									height: 100.0,
									color: Colors.red,
									child: Center(
										child: Text(
											style: TextStyle(
												color: Colors.white,
												fontWeight: FontWeight.bold
								routes: generatedRoutes,
								bgColors: <Color>[
								hoverColor: Colors.brown.withOpacity(0.5),
								selectedColor: Colors.white.withOpacity(0.5),
								navStreamer: mainNavStreamer,

								child: Column(
									mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start,
									children: [
										selectedWidget == null ? aqua.requestFocus(
											context: context
										) : aqua.requestFocus(
											context: context

	Widget build(BuildContext context) => _buildShell(context);

	Map<String, Map<String, dynamic>> _buildGeneratedRoutes(double windowWidth, double windowHeight){

		var textStyle = TextStyle(
			fontSize: 30.0,
			color: Colors.white,
			fontWeight: FontWeight.bold

		Function _buildIconHelper = (IconData iconData){
			return Icon(iconData, color: Colors.black, size: 15.0,);

		return {
			'Home': {
				'window': Container(
					width: windowWidth,
					height: windowHeight,
					color: Colors.purple,
					child: Center(
						child: Text(
							style: textStyle
				'icon': _buildIconHelper(Icons.home)
			'Search': {
				'window': Container(
					width: windowWidth,
					height: windowHeight,
					child: Stack(
						children: [
								height: windowWidth,
								width: windowHeight,
								colors: [
								child: Text(
									style: textStyle
				'icon': _buildIconHelper(Icons.search)
			'Settings': {
				'window': Container(
					width: windowWidth,
					height: windowHeight,
					color: Colors.indigo,
					child: Center(
						child: Text(
							style: textStyle
				'icon': _buildIconHelper(Icons.settings)

