ToDo App for Software Engineering trining
ToDo App
this project for Software Engineering trining
the group members
MOUAID SHABAN (米 度) 20193290702 (Leader)
Saleh Mohammed(萨啦) 20193290604
RAGEH AHMED (何明) 20193290755
The TODO app lets a user create, read, update and delete to-do tasks. A task has a title and description and can be completed or active. Completed tasks can be deleted at once.
User interface
the home screen you can see the all tasks
Add Tasks
you can add the tasks and choose the date
dark theme
the app support dark theme the user can change between the light mode or dark mode
the packages
cupertino_icons: ^1.0.2 date_picker_timeline dropdown_button2 sdk: flutter flutter_local_notifications flutter_native_timezone flutter_screenutil get: ^4.6.5 get_storage: ^2.0.3 google_fonts: null intl: ^0.17.0 sqflite: ^2.0.3+1